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Got my presto pot finally any tips

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Do not put it in the middle of your yard, fill it with wax, set it to the maximum temperature and run off to watch from a distance. Although this may seem reasonably safe, it's possible that a mouse could run across the yard at just the wrong moment, be set ablaze, then run into your house and burn it down.


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I make sure to UNPLUG mine! I have lefted it on with wax in it at over 200 degrees for an unknown amount of time! Luckily no fires..but to be safe I unplug the sucker now!

If it moans and creeks when you first turn it on..don't be alarmed.

I don't have a spigot on mine. I use a ladel. I ladel with one hand and hold the lid under the ladel with the other to catch drips.

For (at Least) the first few times you use it you should keep a thermometer in it to make sure the temp dial is accurate. Mine is slightly off. When it is on 200 my wax is usually 210 or so.I only take it over 200 if I've had problems with fingernailing with a batch of wax.

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Don't cook in it, they're not made for that. The Presto people would be out of business if they didn't have us. :cheesy2:

And to think the first one I owned years ago I actually used it for "FOOD" :shocked2: Boy I feel stupid now for ruining a perfectly good wax melter. LOL:p

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Always use a thermometer for accurate temperature reading.

Always unplug after using.

If I know I'm going to be using the same wax the next time I pour candles, I just leave any leftover wax in the presto for later. I store it with a piece of foil over the top of the pot and then put the lid back on to be sure no dust (or cat hair!) gets in the pot before I use it again.

Don't use metal utensils. They could scratch the surface.

Go to Sam's or Costco to buy paper towels. You'll find you'll be using a LOT of them. I love the ease of cleaning a presto!!!

Enjoy!!! You'll not regret purchasing a presto and I bet soon you'll be out shopping for another ... and another ... and another .......

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I have mine plugged into a power strip along with a light. Turn it off and on that way. So if the light is on my pot is on. I have a bunch of florencent lights hanging in my pouring room and everyone is plugged into a power strip so when they go off I know everything else is off. hth

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