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I am really lovin this...but

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I am getting discouraged fast....I may just have candle nose and can't smell good, I have found some frags that I can smell when I burn them, I am really confused about wicks....a higher number maybe means a hotter burn? a hotter burn is better for scent? I have a 1000 questions and its not cause I am not trying or testing cause I am....I am using ky's pure soy and cb-135. I have ordered quite a few things from candle science just havent ordered any wax from them yet. I want to try pillars before I give up, any advice will be appreciated, thanks, Pennie

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Your questions need to be more specific if you want advice. I am not sure exactly what all you are having issues with. Which wax are you testing right now (the Puresoy or the CB135?), what jar are you testing it in, which wicks are you using, how much FO. I use the Puresoy and might can help a bit, but you need to be more specific on what it is your having problems with. There has also been a lot posted about this wax, if you do a search, you might find some of the answers you are looking for. :)

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A big piece of advice I have is to slow down. Don't work on too many things at once. Pick one or two things and stick with them. I started with everything at once (candles & B&B) and I stopped having fun. I had to step back a bit. Now I keep it slow and enjoy myself much more.

Hotter burn doesn't always mean better for scent.

Wearing a respirator while pouring helps to not get candlenose as bad. Or wait couple of days before you test. You'll probably get a better throw if you cure them a few days anyway.

And Candlescience is terrific for customer service. They will help you on many things.

Good Luck

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I agree you should slow down. Start with one kind of wax, one jar thats easier to wick like a straight sided round jar and test each combo of fragrance and wick until you're satisfied with the burn and throw. Take good notes for future reference. For each of my jars I have one size wick that works and if I can't get a good hot throw or burn with a particular fo I just won't use that fo. Then read, read, read cause there's a wealth of info on this site and everyone is very helpful when you ask questions. Above all have fun!

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thanks for the replies and advice, I feel better today, I am not giving up yet, I just need to slow down some and have more patience. I will start by just working on 1 type of jar and wax at a time and testing diff wicks and fo's. I had sent my brother some candles I made for christmas and he emailed me today and said they were nice and that yes they burn good and have a good scent throw. thanks again ya all are great.

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