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Mica storage at the soap table


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I can't count how many times I spilled jars, couldn't open zip bags, to during the heat of a soap making session. Plus, finding the exact mica I needed quickly to do some color correction was a nightmare. 


Here is now now I store the micas in use. I buy most of my colorants by the lb, so the bags get stored away while these handy little 2oz Boston rounds stay in a shoe box on the soap bench.

bottles get a label on the side with the INCI, color name, manufacturer, safety use (general cosmetic, no eyes, no lips, etc).


Most of these have the disc caps that pop up one side to dispense. The ones that don't I need to order more caps for eventually.  if the bottles tip barely any spills out any minimizing messes. If they hit the floor, no breakage. 



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I bought some jelly jars and use those to store my micas in. I also printed out labels so the jars are easy to identify when I need them. I store the jars in the original box they came in so they don't take up a lot of space. They stack easy and it also makes them easy to find.


When I make soap I pull out the jars I need beforehand and put them with the fragrance I am using so I don't have to go searching for anything while I am in the middle of soapmaking.

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They work great for me because I needed a fairly wide mouth to spoon out the mica. I use the powdered form of micas and other colorants.


I'm clumsy too but so far haven't had any spills or messes since switching to the jelly jars. They are easier to pour the micas from the bag into the jar too without spilling.


I poured my activated charcoal into a jar and now its so much easier to use it without making a mess. Before I used to spoon it out of its plastic bag but as soon as you open the bag.... poof! black powder everywhere because it just floats on the air its so light! Not so with the jars.

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bags are a messy pain! Impossible to open when wearing gloves. And tip over proofing powders everywhere.


i use the powdered micas too. A little funnel gets time into the spouts easily. And the micas pour out of the bottle into the measuging spoons. I would not have believed it until I actually tried.

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@TallTayl I take it that you are storing these in their dry form in the bottles?

I was wondering about maybe premixing the micas with some glycerin/castor/OO/other ridiculously long shelf life oil) and a super cheap decorator's marble (e.g.: sack of 1 lb clear glass marbles from Walmart for $.98).  Put'm in a boston round like this https://www.amazon.com/Amber-Boston-Round-Free-Black/dp/B00QHHHOH2/ref=sr_1_1_s_it?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1482672807&sr=1-1&keywords=2+oz+plastic+boston+round+bottles+with+disc+caps and then I could drip straight into the snooty pitcher? 

(I hate mica clean up. blech! ) 

Happy Christmas! 



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I thought about putting my micas in oil but decided against it for a couple reasons. I've done it before and always had a problem keeping the mica and oil fully incorporated and always had to shake the bottle before using. The other is that I am afraid the oil will go rancid before I've had time to use all the color. Since I've gotten used to just using the powder and like storing them in JJ's I think that is what works best for me. I also forgot I measure my micas by tsp as I use them and this helps me keep track of usage which also goes into my spreadsheet for tracking costs.

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@Sponiebr I keep my oil dispersible ones like TiO2 in oil with steel nail polish balls. Have done the same with a few water based for clays, pigments, etc. it worked GREAT! No more annoying specs.


those bottles above I kept dry since I use them in other products besides soap (lip butter, shampoo, conditioner, etc.)

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