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Did you know you can target people who live, were or are currently near your store? 


You can also target everyone, who was at the local fair last Saturday. Or that you can target everyone who are on that fair the same day as you and guide them to your stand.



Edited by oilphoria
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Hi all, I like you tuned in!


No charge Trappeur!


Clear Black: I do not do Pinterest, regarding groups, I need some more input. How many friends do you have? There are tools where you can add all your friends to the group, if that is what you can do, I will paste links in the next post (on mobile now). You should know, that groups are great for engagment, but harder to grew than pages and more important, you do not get the data about your audience. Are you sure you just want to go with groups? I suggest you go both, with pages and groups, where on group you post more 'insight'/'advanced' content. So, tell me if you can expose your personal profile - i will then be able to describe detailed strategy.


Take care

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The wax community works very differently than most. 

I would not add all Facebook friends to my group. My group is for dedicated customers. Friends and family are for personal Facebook or business page.

You will not get online wax community customers to post on a page. When they post on a page, their friends and family see their posts. They do not wish to have those people commenting about their wax buying habits.

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Really? Well, I did not know that. Can you elaborate more on that please?

Apart from organic reach and building the group, you can advertise the group the same way then, as you would market page posts. But for that you would still need a page (can be a fake one). With "right side ads" you could get away without the page, but I think that lately it is necessary also to have a page, even if new one. Name it the same as group.


Then go to Audience Insights (https://www.facebook.com/business/news/audience-insights) and under interests find ones that are correlating with your target audience. Here it is a lot to different ways. Most of the time I found 5-6 very narrow audience and later when setting up ads mix them (means that a person on the audience list needs to like for example "Essential oils" & "doTerra" & "YoungLiving" & "Aromatherapy Magazine"& .... etc. The person needs to like all of them (means its quite targeted). And again, note, that here are many different approaches. For "Page Post Engagement" posts, where you would link to your FB group, always aim to more than 100k audence at the beginning and split different adsets to target for ex. 20-30 years, 30-40, 40-50,.. and then you will find the audience age which are the more suitable (means cheaper) for you. Sometimes the ages will perform the same, and you will need to split by gender..


So in short, create a fake page with the same name as your fb group and advertise the link to the group the same way as page posts. I'm here to help.


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I don't add people like friend and family to my groups if they are not in my target market. It dilutes the group. It's not just about numbers of members, it is the fit of the group that creates the dynamics.  I liken it to in-person events. A venue can pull 25,000 people a day, but if they are not my target it is a waste of time and energy.


Looking at the online social media outlets today, Facebook is kind of passé. Kids think of it as where their parents hang out,lol.  I am sick to death of the stuff that crosses my news feed and am seriously thinking of closing my Facebook account. Instagram and Pinterest (and of course Etsy) seem to draw more of the types of people who are interested in my type of products and have the free cash to actually make the purchases. 

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