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Lost Newbie

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Hi All,


I'm hoping you can help me and point me in the right direction. My daughter received a candle kit from Amazon and has fallen in love with making candles now. The items in her kit ran out and it's time to reorder wax and wicks. I know it should be easy, just reorder what came in the kit but of course she decided she wants glass containers vs the tins since one of the tins we got is already rusting and paraffin vs the soy wax since a few of her friends are allergic to soy.


So we have been on different websites, Candlewic, Candlescience, Cajun Candles, Aztec, Lonestar and Peak Candles. Geez my eyes are crossed. She decided on the 8 oz square mason jars and IGI 4630 wax from candle science. yay, two out of three down. Yeah you know where I am going now, wicks. Three companies that I called has recommended 4 different wicks. one recommended the LX14 or even 18, the other C70 and yet another the a 6/12 zinc. Right now I am wishing my daughter would have followed me into soap making. LOL


So whose right or are they all right? TIA

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I feel your pain. We all go through the same thing starting out. Recommendations can be all over the place. There are more than one wick series that can work in a wax. This is where testing comes in. Your daughter will have to learn to test out different wick series and different sizes until she finds the wick that burns best in her wax application.


I like the way LX wicks burn but I often don't get a good hot (scent) throw. LX are actually better in pillars than jars but can work in some jar applications.


Zincs burn cool and work great in paraffin and parasoy waxes. In my experience they burn a little too cool in soy and tend to drown out or end up with a low burning flame. If a candle is wicked correctly with a zinc you can get an excellent hot throw but I never got them to burn well in soy.


CD wicks burn hot and curl as they burn so this leaves one side of the jar hot to the touch. However, they get excellent hot throw.


There is a company called Wicks Unlimited  Wicks Unlimited that has some excellent information on the technology and burn of wicks and tells you about the wicks they have and what wax applications they are for. You can even have them test your candle for you and they will find the right wick for you.... for a fee of course.


I buy my wicks from Candle Science and use their wick guide to help me find my wick.



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On 9/13/2016 at 4:23 PM, Candybee said:

....  Wicks Unlimited that has some excellent information on the technology and burn of wicks and tells you about the wicks they have and what wax applications they are for. You can even have them test your candle for you and they will find the right wick for you.... for a fee of course. ...



Thank you for all this info, I am learning a lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On September 13, 2016 at 4:40 PM, hallhaus3 said:

Hi All,


I'm hoping you can help me and point me in the right direction. My daughter received a candle kit from Amazon and has fallen in love with making candles now. The items in her kit ran out and it's time to reorder wax and wicks. I know it should be easy, just reorder what came in the kit but of course she decided she wants glass containers vs the tins since one of the tins we got is already rusting and paraffin vs the soy wax since a few of her friends are allergic to soy.


So we have been on different websites, Candlewic, Candlescience, Cajun Candles, Aztec, Lonestar and Peak Candles. Geez my eyes are crossed. She decided on the 8 oz square mason jars and IGI 4630 wax from candle science. yay, two out of three down. Yeah you know where I am going now, wicks. Three companies that I called has recommended 4 different wicks. one recommended the LX14 or even 18, the other C70 and yet another the a 6/12 zinc. Right now I am wishing my daughter would have followed me into soap making. LOL


So whose right or are they all right? TIA

Hi I am a newbie as well ! You are in the right place theese people are awesome and have the knoledge ! This is fresh for me as I almost have a year at it ! I know at least  3 of the companies you mentioned have wick sampler packs ! I like zink   44-24-18 6 inch in Parafin and LX 18 in my soy I am doing small containers and I put 3 wicks in my 9 oz  jars hope this helps I just went to Candle Wic and ordered 500 of each before that I had been working out of sample packs  I think I did sample packs from Candle Science  and  Lone Star and Aztec don't forget wick stickers and maybe some wick bars to hold the wicks and HAVE FUN ! I too started with my daughter ans a bonding craft and we are hooked ?

Edited by Kshaler
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