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Question : I'm wondering if anyone knows if you can get free beeswax from a beekeeper?

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You can always ask. I know a few local beekeepers and one in particular was willing to give me her beeswax for free. Others may use or sell theirs and I've even known some that make their own candles using their own beeswax.


It doesn't hurt to ask but be prepared to probably having to clean it yourself if you get it for free or can get it at a discount. Its not real hard to clean just a bit messy and time consuming. Most apiaries in my area don't really produce enough to make more than a very few small candles so keep that in mind too. A lot will depend on the beekeeper and how many bees they have.

Edited by Candybee
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19 minutes ago, Candle&Holder said:

I live in a narea with tons of beekeepers who sell honey, but I never see beeswax for sale. Does anyone know if they collect it and/or sell it? Maybe they throw it away?

Beeswax is expensive to collect and clean. Often I see keepers spin honey from the comb then put the whole frame with the comb intact back into the hive. Those that don't re-use the comb sell the wax for a nice profit. For uncleaned, unfiltered common wax in my area expect to pay $5-6 per lb in bulk. then spend a few days cleaning it.


beeswax  (especially GOOD) beeswax is getting hard to come by. My beeswax raw material costs have skyrocketed this year. 



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