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First time cupcake soaps

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First time I've made soap cupcakes... It was so much fun. 

I need a lot of practice on piping, and the bag leaked, but it was still fun, and I hope it comes back white after saponification. 

Scent is Strawberry Banana Smootie. The bottom is yellow/white ITP swirl, and the piping is white with Pink Rainbow mica that was wiped on the inside of the piping bag to give the outside piping just a hint of the pink. Not sure how it will look tomorrow. 

Then I glittered it, and put sprinkles on top. I wish I would have foregone the sprinkles. 


But this was so much fun, and I typically don't do bakery scented soaps, but cupcake bakery scented soaps might be the way to go. :)

Strawberry banana smootie-1.jpg

Strawberry banana smootie.jpg

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10 minutes ago, kandlekrazy said:

Seriously for your first time, I think they are awesome!  If you get any better someone will surely try to eat them.

:blush: *blushes* Thank you. 


I have piped soap only one other time, on a regular loaf of soap, but this is the first time I've attempted cupcakes. I gotta say, it was a lot of fun. :)

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23 minutes ago, Candybee said:

Those look nice. I'd say go with more sprinkles! I bet they smell yummy!

LOL The sprinkles wouldn't stick, except all together in 1 spot, so I ended up not liking them as much... Maybe next time, I'll try to figure out a different way to get more on there. With them on there they look more like birthday cupcakes though instead of just regular old cupcakes. LOL 

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