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Wax for standard cupcake or muffin molds

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Could someone lead me in the direction for which wax to use for standard muffin or cupcake silicone type molds? One place recommended. Igi 6028, another Igi 4625 and 1343. I am hoping someone that makes these or have made these could lead me in the right direction. I will also make little cinnnamon buns with the icing drizzled _- if someone could lead me in the direction so I can make the icing also.I need to test for a funtion I will need them for in a few months. Any help I will appreciate!! Thanks.

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Any of those waxes will work any pillar or votive blend works great in molds. I have made mini cinnamon buns in 1343 and Ecosoya PB. As for drizzle I like to use a mix of 1343/gel wax it gives it a glossy look.


Cupcakes  frosting you want to whip your wax but you have to move fast before it get to hard. I have been known to add gel wax to that also.

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I've used 4625, 4794 and a mixture of either one of those with 4630 in cinnamon bun molds and mini cupcake molds and they've all worked great. I've used the same mixture for the drizzle too. I've never used gel wax but that sounds interesting how Vicky did hers.

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