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Renaming pumpkin pecan waffles


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I'm looking for some great chocolate recommendations.  So far I've been using Fragrance Buddy's Chocolate Dreams.  It's very very good, but just lacking a deep rich depth.  Maybe I could add something to it?


I was thinking of renaming the chocolate to Chocolate Truffle.  Does that sound like a rich chocolate?





I know this looks weird but I just started this new topic of "renaming pumpkin pecan waffles but when I get to the description box of talking as I am creating this new topic there is something already in the description box.....hmmmm...so you will have to disregard the above .....


Well anyway, since I'm terrible with names, I was wondering if all you great thinkers out there could make some suggestions for a new name for pumpkin pecan waffles.  I already have a store that this is their number 1 best seller and it will be going into another new account and they have picked this scent so I definitely have to change the name, so suggestions, please! Thankyou.




Edited by Trappeur
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I've been getting into countryfied names lately so here goes:

Farmhouse Pumpkin Hotcakes

Pecan Pumpkin Cornbread

Country Pumpkin Patch

Waffles & Pumpkin Butter

(Everytime I hear the word waffles I think of Donkey in Shrek!)

Edited by Candybee
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