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EO / FO Help for CP

Grani L

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I was wondering. I used  Soap Calc- and the EO / FO said 1 oz.  So for a 2 pound batch would this be 1 oz. per pound or 1 oz. for the 2 pound batch. I got to thinking because I made "Cool Water" and it was knock your socks off strong. Then I began to wonder because I used 2 oz. for the 2 lb. batch. -- Same with a lavender test. I used almost 2 oz. of lavender and it was very strong. -- So could someone chime in please and give me just a little direction. I sometimes over think, then I get confused.-- TIA.


Grani L

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In soap calc you can adjust the setting for the amount of fragrance per lb of oils at will. The number soap calc spits out is the total for the batch as it was entered. If your resulting batch sheet called for 1 oz of FO for your 2lb batch, then the setting was at .5 (.5 oz per lb x2 lbs= 1 oz fragrance)

It's helpful to know the usage limit of your FO to decide if that setting needs to be adjusted down. You can go by your nose too. If this one was too strongly scented, the next one you can dial it down some.

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Soapcalc is preset for adding .5 oz FO/EO for each pound of oil in your batch. You can leave it on that setting or reset it to suit  yourself. I set it for 1 for 1oz PPO for most FOs. For EOs I set it for .5oz PPO.


Some fragrances are strong like your lavender. So you can reset it for .5 or .7 for stronger fragrances.


LOL TT we answered at the same time!

Edited by Candybee
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Soapcalc defaults to .5oz ppo but you can adjust it accordingly. 

I try to always refer to the IFRA for amounts of FO (but usually will use 5-6% depending on fragrance and strength)


I rarely use EO's but when I do it's not more than .5oz ppo.


TT and Candy gave excellent advice also. 

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IFRA is the usage rate in %'s to which a fragrance is skin safe. Different applications have different rates. Like lotions usually have a lower rate than soaps because it's a leave on product vs a wash off, etc., 

(I can't remember what the acronym stands for but I think it's "International Fragrance Rate Allowance" but could be totally wrong) 

Some suppliers will list them on their site, some won't, but you can always call the supplier and they should have that information readily available if they rate their FO's as "skin safe".

Edited by Jcandleattic
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So... once you are on the page - you look at the ifra code of practice - the latest would be amendment 48. Is this correct?

? I don't know exactly what you mean? 

The fragrance supplier either has the info on their FO page, or you can ask them for it. That's the info I use. 

For instance NG has this on their site - 



It's this type of information I go off when deciding how much fragrance to use in any B&B application. 

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I think you are correct about the amendment grani L. I've really tried to learn how to use their information posted on their website but it is confusing to me. Glad I am not the only one. Just wish they could post stuff plain and simple so you don't keep asking yourself  'is this the right page? info? what does it mean?, etc., etc.


Frankly I use the IFRA info posted on fragrance supplier websites instead. Much easier to read instead of guessing the % rates for soap and B&B. Not all suppliers has the info posted but quite a few do. One that comes to mind is CS. Check out their website and click on any of their FOs. Then check out their IFRA ratings.

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