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I've read that if I have a 3" diameter candle, then it should take 3 hrs for the melt pool to reach the sides of the container. Is this correct? So, if I have a 5" diameter candle, it should take 5 hrs? Or, should every candle, no matter the size of the diameter, take 3 hrs to reach the sides?

All of my high end candles do not take that long to reach the sides. Please help, I am going crazy trying to wick!

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No, that is incorrect. You have to wick for the entire burn of the candle, not just the first burn of the candle. My 3" diameter candles sometimes take 2-3 3 hour burns to reach the sides and start melting down off of the edges. If my candles burned to the edge during the first burn, they would be so hot towards the middle of the candle that they would be incredibly unsafe. 


You are using pillar standards - you want to burn your pillar for the first time 1 hour for each diameter of the candle in order for it to burn correctly the rest of the way down (assuming it's wicked correctly)

Do you mean high end candles that you make? Or high end candles that you purchase? Because quite honestly if I had a 3" diameter candle that burned to the side of the jar in less than 3 hours I'd be afraid to continue to burn it. 

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Ooooooook. Thank you for the clarification. I'm glad I asked! For a 3" diameter candle, how much wax hang up should I have after the first 3 hour burn?

I was referring to candles that I have purchased. More specifically, Calvin Klein and Henri Bendel. Also, I lit a Yankee (or yankme as they are referred to on here lol) today with a 3.5" diameter and I had a full melt pool in about 45 minutes. That seems extremely fast!

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Guest OldGlory

Having a famous name/name brand doesn't mean much more than effective marketing. And being a small candlemaker doesn't mean you will have poor workmanship. You don't know what a candle will do until you burn it.


You should have some hang up, more than a film, less than 1/4" in most cases, but there are other factors. How deep is the candle? What kind of wax are you using? How does your tester feel when it gets to the bottom half of the candle and it's burning? Are you talking about container candles or pillars?

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I've been testing 415 in 8 oz tin containers. I honestly have been trying to wick incorrectly this whole time. Now, back to the drawing board. I'm thinking of starting with CD 12 and CD 14 and going from there.

Hopefully this time, I will have some luck! ☺️

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Guest OldGlory

I think it's in this thread, maybe last fall, that I posted pictures of a 1 hr burn, 2 hr burn, and a 3 (really 3.5) hr burn of an 8 oz tin with 464. There was some hang up on the sides. Tins are not very deep compared to a pint canning jar, BUT they are metal, which conducts heat easily. When the heat catches up the hang up melts away.

Who knows how long your customer is going to burn your candle. Could be an hour, could be 8 hours. Your job is to find a happy place with that wick, making sure it is burning the wax adequately, giving off a nice scent, but not creating a fire hazard.

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That's awesome! Thanks Hensley! At least I wasn't the only one wondering.

I have a hard time searching for things on this site, because it always says that "one or all of your keywords are below 4 characters." This is so frustrating! How can 415, 444, 464, etc. users find posts related to their wax easily? I've been having to go through Google, and even then, I doubt I'm getting all of the results that I should be getting.

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Guest OldGlory

When I first found a message board for candles and soap, I read everything that was no older than one year. Everything. Even the categories I wasn't particularly interested in.

If you click on the general topic subject it will bring up a list of threads - not sure if they all come up in chronological order, newest to oldest, but it does for me. You'd be surprised at the nuggets of wisdom buried in those threads.

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When I first found a message board for candles and soap, I read everything that was no older than one year. Everything. Even the categories I wasn't particularly interested in.

If you click on the general topic subject it will bring up a list of threads - not sure if they all come up in chronological order, newest to oldest, but it does for me. You'd be surprised at the nuggets of wisdom buried in those threads.

I still do this every now and then. Especially on topics I may not have cared about, but now am interested in for whatever reason. 

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Tins are especially hard to wick well. There's a thread or three about them in recent history. Will look around.

In short, if a 3" tin burns to a full MP on the first normal burn (3 hrs or less) it will be scorching by the middle. By the bottom i would consider it downright dangerous.

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I appreciate this topic, too. I was in the same boat thinking that rule of thumb for melt pool was an hour for every inch in diameter and then it should be full, so it's VERY helpful to hear that this is more so the case for pillars and not so for containers. It actually makes complete sense, too. After four months of hands of learning with making candles, I FINALLY made what I consider a close-to-successful candle. I hadn't considered it totally successful because I had hangup through the first several test burns. The hangup had melted away by the final burn, but I thought I shouldn't have had any hangup at all. GREAT to know that I might have been successful after all! Thank you for asking this question, KB12!

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