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Patchoulli Dreams from CC


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I bought a pound of patchoulli dreams by C.Cocoon and am really stumped here of what to do with it.  I've never done any with patchoulli and I know so many mix it to make a blend.  It sure does remind me of the yesteryears.....


What could I mix that people would like being that they were a patchoulli lover as you either hate or love patchoulli.



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Wait til Scented sees this thread. She is our resident patch Queen! LOL


Lots of things go great with patch:





any woods actually; cedar, sandalwood, pines, balsams, spruce, etc.



berries like black or raspberry, probably strawberry too


grass, hay, bamboo


I think of patch as a mixer to give a blend an earthy note and it can anchor your scent making it seem stronger, more potent. But there are patch lovers who love nothing but patch and want it straight! I usually carry about 2-3 patch types in my soap and candle line.


oh yes... I forgot pumpkin! LOL as in pumpkin patch!! LOL

Edited by Candybee
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Oh that sounds great!  How bout amber vanilla?  I have that?


or pines? hmmmm....well I have them...


and pumpkin?  (I like that one and call it pumpkin patch)


Geesh, is there a certain ratio that you could suggest too as I am HORRIBLE doing blends....


Thankyou Patty and Candybee....oh and yep I'll wait for the patch queen....lol



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If using amber and vanilla I would start out with:


For vanilla, patch, amber at 2:1:1 in that order


For pumpkin patch at 50/50%


For pine, how about this: pine, patch, cedar at 1:1:1 or 2:1:1 (if you want a stronger pine or reverse it if you want a stronger cedar)


Oh you are giving me ideas Trappeur. Thats dangerous! LOL

Edited by Candybee
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i used american soy wax (old enchanted lites), ky125 and candles and supplies hybrid wax (tarts). i do like bcn patchouli in tarts but it's not a straight woodsy, dirty patch scent. i've used scent-works east indian patchouli in soy candles. it's a mild thrower but don't expect a lot either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Late to this party, but if you want to blend with patch: 



I keep wanting to try a jasmine/patch/vanilla blend, but I need a better jasmine and a better vanilla to make it happen. 

How about a leather and patch blend ... Dusty road, Grand Canyon ... you might get a good mix .. and it might be better with some amber in the mix too. (Really anything that alters the smell of leather would be a dream to me lol) 

Patchouli & Orange ... not a bright juicy orange per se, but something with a little bite (blood orange) and a hint of fir or possibly cedar(wood) and you can get close to the Sanguigno Orange & Patch that The Scent Works was known for. 

Patch and rose, but I think you might need a musk to help bring this around to interesting. 

Patch and amber at a 1:1 should do a decent battle. 

Patch and sandalwood and if you had a little pikake, you might be able to bring out hippie scent. 

That all said ... patch dumbs down a lot of sweet scents and it anchors others. A patch and vanilla combo really doesn't do anything for me, but it might be a good starting base to other blends. 

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