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Customer Service issues with NG

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Has anyone had any problems with them?


Back in mid February, I contacted them via Facebook message about an issue I had with one of their products.  Someone responded that they would look into it and get back to me asap.  I never heard back.  Sent another message on Facebook and nothing.  A week after that I sent an email to info@naturesgarden.com and nothing.  I'm really disheartened that they haven't responded to emails or fb messages.  I sent another email tonight to see if I'd get a response and told them about all the non-responses I've had.  I really love this product but this is very poor service.  

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that's surprising.  I've never ever had a problem with them, just the opposite in fact.  I think they are in the process of moving into a new building (I think it was them) so maybe someone just isn't watching right now, but that's not a good excuse really.  Sorry you had a bad experience, though.

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I had the exact same experience only I called- awhile back and called again and again and could never get them to call me back regarding my wicks I had ordered from them for years- they changed the neck height and now I have 100's that are no good to me and they wouldn't respond to exchange or refund me

I will not buy from them anymore other than 2 oils that I can't replace

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Well I will see if they email me back.  Unfortunately they are only open 900 to 430 eastern time and I work 6 to 2 pacific time.  I work in a top secret building so we can't have cell phones and I can't make calls at work that aren't in house.  It stinks but I always communicate through email and if necessary people will call me.  I'd hate to have to stop buying from them as I would have to test a whole line of lip balm again.  

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I had the exact same experience only I called- awhile back and called again and again and could never get them to call me back regarding my wicks I had ordered from them for years- they changed the neck height and now I have 100's that are no good to me and they wouldn't respond to exchange or refund me

I will not buy from them anymore other than 2 oils that I can't replace


Go to BCN and order different tabs, cut off the tabs you don't like and replace them.  That way you don't have wicks you can't use!!

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I haven't had problems with them.  They usually get back to me very quickly.  I'm sorry you're having problems! That would frustrate me a lot too especially since I spend a lot of money there well it's a lot to me. lol  I hope they resolve it soon for you.   It does make it difficult that you are unavailable during the day when they're open.

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Guest OldGlory

Go to BCN and order different tabs, cut off the tabs you don't like and replace them. That way you don't have wicks you can't use!!

I used buy wick tabs from BCN, but found them for less at Candle Science. I get 2 or 3 wicks from one tabbed wick that I buy.
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Well it looks like I finally got this resolved.  I posted on their wall about an hour ago and they said they would credit my account.  They also said that what I had wasn't normal and they contacted the manufacturer.  At least they finally resolved it just think it's crazy they don't respond to emails. 

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