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Newbie question...


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Hi everyone,

I am just starting my own candle business selling tarts that I'm making at a weekly outdoor event and also some warmers I'm buying wholesale. I haven't actually started selling just yet as I'm trying to up my inventory a little. The reason I got into this was because I used to sell Scentsy (I know, eek!!) and I really loved the idea because they're safer than regular candles around pets and stuff. But Scentsy (in my honest opinion) got too big for their britches and I believe that they changed their scent formulation because it doesn't last as long as it used to despite what they say. Long story short I got mad and thought I could make a better tart! I've been using IGI 4786 and IGI 4630, 1:1 ratio using 1 oz of FO per pound. I seem to like how the wax performs but my scent throw is all over the place. I like that the wax releases from the molds easily and keeps its shape and also comes out of the warmers easily. Some scents last 40+ hours and others don't seem to throw or last for very long at all. Am I missing something? I am buying my oils, wax and other supplies from both Lonestar Candle Company and Cajun Candle Company. I've been seeing that most people use 1.5 oz per lb of wax but their websites (Lonestar & Cajun) say that only 1 oz will do. Is there any general formula that seems to be consistent? I'm using tart molds for my 1oz tarts and using a shrink cellophane to wrap them and the packaging looks nice, and I'm using candy molds for my 0.5oz tarts and putting 3 of them in a little baggie. It all looks professional enough but what difference does that make if I can't guarantee a scent will last? Also I just bought UV inhibitor to add to the wax since I'm in sunny Florida. What kind of variety would you start with (like how many scents) to sell. Any advice from anyone with experience please? I'm sorry this was a little long but I want to start out right! Thank you in advance for any helpful tips or ideas.

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You likely aren't doing anything wrong and that's what makes even making tarts so frustrating and so expensive.  Scents just are not all created equal. I can also have some that blow the doors off and then I can get some from fantastic companies that I can hardly smell.  I can excitedly place an order for what someone else has said is fantastic and then I put it in my wax and go huh???   I've just decided after reading all the posts now for over a year, that it's just the way it is.  I don't know if I'm picky and I know I have a good blend, but for about every twenty scents I try, I might keep only one or two.  Sometimes none.  What works for someone in their wax might not work for someone else using something different and then sometimes even the same wax!  It's mind boggling.  Peak, Lonestar, Nature's Garden, Candlescience... you're going to find some that won't work for you no matter what.  I do recommend using people as testers because the more you do this the more your nose is going to fool you.  I've selected some scents based on what testers tell me (say four out of five people) because I often can no longer smell anything at times.   One ounce per pound is average.  Some scents might need to take more, but there's a limit on what waxes will hold.  With tarts you can get away with going to the upper limit over candles and all the wicking issues. 


Plain cellophane might be part of your problem.  Cello bags must be made out of polypropolene - as well as portion cups - or any other material than that can suck the scent out of your finished product over time.   If you're using a plain ziplock baggie then you're losing scent because it's the wrong material for storing scented wax.  Most candle places sell polypropolene bags as does Papermart and other places when you buy in bulk.


Good luck and just keep trying.  And get a loan.... LOL  (just kidding though sometimes I think it's necessary!)

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Well, you have asked some good questions and have come to a place with a lot of people with a lot of experience. Welcome!


How long have you been testing? You will certainly want to have your wax blend and system (wax temps, temp when adding FO, etc.) down before you ever begin selling. I am assuming you have testers beyond friends and family who have offered objective feedback before you made the decision to sell so I will not add more about that.


FO's are not created equal. Some are strong, some lighter. I have a small line and still buy from 9 suppliers to get what is the best of the best for my wax and system.


Also will assume that you have gotten all polypropylene plastics for your packaging. Other plastics will not preserve your scents once in wax.


Most here use 1 oz./pp but I do use a bit more. Works best for my application. You will find what works best for you. It will/may vary by FO.


My wax is naked so I am of not help when it comes to that but most others here are experts in that regard and can help.


I do agree. I am known for having a strong, long lasting melt but my packaging is simple (some call it plain) but no amount of fancy packaging will help a weak melt sell.

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You likely aren't doing anything wrong and that's what makes even making tarts so frustrating and so expensive.  Scents just are not all created equal. I can also have some that blow the doors off and then I can get some from fantastic companies that I can hardly smell.  I can excitedly place an order for what someone else has said is fantastic and then I put it in my wax and go huh???   I've just decided after reading all the posts now for over a year, that it's just the way it is.  I don't know if I'm picky and I know I have a good blend, but for about every twenty scents I try, I might keep only one or two.  Sometimes none.  What works for someone in their wax might not work for someone else using something different and then sometimes even the same wax!  It's mind boggling.  Peak, Lonestar, Nature's Garden, Candlescience... you're going to find some that won't work for you no matter what.  I do recommend using people as testers because the more you do this the more your nose is going to fool you.  I've selected some scents based on what testers tell me (say four out of five people) because I often can no longer smell anything at times.   One ounce per pound is average.  Some scents might need to take more, but there's a limit on what waxes will hold.  With tarts you can get away with going to the upper limit over candles and all the wicking issues. 


Plain cellophane might be part of your problem.  Cello bags must be made out of polypropolene - as well as portion cups - or any other material than that can suck the scent out of your finished product over time.   If you're using a plain ziplock baggie then you're losing scent because it's the wrong material for storing scented wax.  Most candle places sell polypropolene bags as does Papermart and other places when you buy in bulk.


Good luck and just keep trying.  And get a loan.... LOL  (just kidding though sometimes I think it's necessary!)


I swear we may be the same person. I was stopped in the middle of typing my answer and came back to finish to see that yours, saying the many of the same things beat mine in!


Everything she has written above is 100% correct. This can be frustrating, inconsistent, confusing, expensive and yet fun all at the same time! If only there was a recipe we could follow like baking a cake.

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You've already gotten some great advice!


You most certainly will be able to make tarts better than Scentsy!   I've had people test mine against Scentsy and mine last way longer.  


 I spent 3 months researching before I purchased anything.  Then I spent many more months testing and testing and then some more testing.    Some worked some didn't.  I still test each new scent that comes in to be sure it lasts at least 14 hours.  I use 1.2 oz per lb of wax. I know it's a funny number but it works for me.  Some, I may add a tiny bit more because they're a little lighter and want them stronger.   And like they said above, a scent that works wonderfully for me, may not work for you. 

Good luck! It's a fun adventure!

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Thank you all for the informative info! I have been making tarts for a little over a year and testing testing testing them with lots of family and friends. It started as just a hobby with the dream of one day selling but I am thinking I am almost ready now to sell. I will check what cellophane I'm using- I think it is the polypropylene type but I will double check. I had no idea that would make a difference. I found out the baggies didn't work pretty early on, it was almost as if the wax was eating the bag!! And I totally had a belly laugh about the loan, because it is almost true! Haha! I was just lucky enough to save a little $ here and there since I started this venture so it seems I am ok in that regard, for awhile ;) thank you again! I stumbled upon this site by accident and I'm glad I decided to join up, everyone seems very knowledgable :)

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Oh it's not Scentsy's wax--- the FO is from Cajun Candles that I put in my wax, my warmers in my house are Scentsy's. I just don't think Scentsy wax is very good anymore IMHO. The scent was really strong for about 17 hours (two days intermittently burning) then got much more subtle. It didn't smell throughout the whole house after those two days anymore, just the main foyer area for about two more days (adding up the hours it was 41). I wish it was strong for the whole 40 hours! That would be amazing!!

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There is a scent that lasts 40 hours? Oh my gosh..what is it? Lol

I just had tester email me yesterday that Honey Gingerbread from Backwoods lasted 5 days at 10 hours per day. What???? 50 hours, I am sceptical, but he insisted. I guess I'm going to have to test it again myself. I put that FO away in favor of a different gingerbread, but it might get a second look. :) Sometimes I feel like I'm part of a never ending science project!! :)

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