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International shipping


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Got an inquiry out of a store out of Belgium. They wanted a quote for 400 candles. I asked them which collection, referring to my website. They said "both" instead of specifying the collection. It was like they didn't take the time to really look. Inquiry seemed a little vague so I am skeptical and don't want to spend too much time quoting this shipment. I asked for a mailing/shipping address and website so I can give them a shipping quote. They gave me a Brussel's address and said that they are just getting their store up and running and have no website. The Brussel's address seemed legit. I was also suspicious because the first inquiry came in at 19:00 EST which is after midnight in Belgium. That is not to say I haven't been on the computer at midnight, But it still seemed weird.

They also wanted to know if I would take credit card vs. paypal. I haven't answered that part yet. But if I said cc, how would I "take" it? I take credits with my square app all the time, so I guess I would just get the # from them?

I did some rough shipping pricing via Fedex and it came out to a ridiculous amount, the skid would be like $15,000 to ship. I always use Fedex to ship domestically. I looked at USPS and their international boxes seem really small. Plus I heard USPS, while reliable, is slow.

For those of you who ship international, please suggest the best way. These are large candles and each box would be double boxed with 24 candles and weigh 40 pounds. These are rough numbers. I would have multiple boxes that would go via pallet/skid.


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Not that it isn't very flattering & I'm sure your candles are superb, but, something about this screams red alert. Would just hate to see you put all the work into something that is a scam. I would trust your gut.

Edited by marcuset
spell check
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Something else you could do would be to get on Google Maps and type in the address. Even if they're just starting out they are still using a land address and it can easily be looked up for validity. If it puts you in the middle of a farmer's field - then you know you've got a situation.

I agree with marcuset - tread lightly until you can get more viable information.

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Yes..I ended up getti g a freight quote with fedex and with pallet it would be 5k. With 400 candles and vat tax you are looking at close to 10k. I emailed her back and told her the numbers. Suggested that she locate someone in EU so she can get better shipping and tax break. I did an address google maps search like candy suggested and it looks mixed residential and business.

What is weird is five min later she begs me to use her shipper and gave me their email to get a quote. I emailed them for the hell of it but it didn't look like a proper email for a business like an international shipping company.

What could these scam motives possibly be? That I ship out thousands of dollars of product and have them cancel payme t and report everything damaged? Also it was weird that she didn't ask me about the waxes etc. Plus she kept saying god bless and amen at the end of her emails. I grew up overseas in Europe and the only time they say amen is after a prayer.

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I'm sorry. Makes no sense. I had scammers on the brain today...spent the afternoon disputing my own fraudulent charges from some moron in Canada who decided to go nuts on Canadian ebay with my bank account. I'm just glad you avoided a huge potential fraud - albeit, different scam!

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Guest OldGlory

Yeah, there's something wierd about this. There are candlemakers in Europe. We have several on this message board. Why would someone choose to spend $5000 or more in shipping/taxes/etc when they could buy locally? To me, this screams SCAM.

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OOO oooo oooo ooo oooo

This is a scam!! Big time!!

Cake decorators online are always talking about this scam!! Don't bother with them anymore.

In the cake world this is how it goes....

You get an email saying...usually in bad broken english. I need a wedding cake for 500 people, I want it to be vanilla cake with buttercream frosting. Please tell me how much that will be.

So.....the cake lady sends a quote back. The cake will be $1000, but where is it being delivered to?

They respond. We have our own shipping person. All we need for you do to is to make the cake, and our shipping person will pick up the cake, you do not have to worry about delivery.

And the kicker. They tell you. We are sending you a check. It will cover the cost of the cake, and there will be additional money in the check for you to pay the shipper in case when they pick up the cake.

IF you fall for this. You will make the cake (out time and money) and then SOMEONE will come and take the cake and take the cash. THEN your bank will contact you after the fact telling you the check was bogus and you are out ALL the money!!!

SCAM. Big time.

She will want you to make the candles, then use her shipper because real shipping is just SOO expensive and her shipper is reasonable. She will want YOU to pay the shipper from the money she "sends" to you. You will be out product, time, and lots of money.

Run. Run away.

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Just wait till they start calling you at work ... I was hit last spring along with a teacher at a school and both of use were threatened and treated rather rudely just for say ... huh? Unfortunately they jammed all the phone lines to the school trying to get after him and for me, well I don't answer the phone when I'm at work and no one passes on the calls. The police can't do anything and neither can any governmental agency ... because they can't find them, but a phone company can ... :P Yes, people suck.

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I also have a request from a company in Belgium (maybe you could send me the name in a PM?)....it doesn't have to be a scam...in Europe we don#t have many candle makers who do scented candles like you do in the US, most companies do the standard pillars, tealight etc. but not those in tumblers like Jo Malone etc. The company that sent me a request is interested in such candles, high-end, luxury style.

BUT: shipping for 400 candles over here is ridiculous, you just cannot afford it or the buyer would. I pay about $ 50,- for 2-3 lbs and that is only shipping, no customs etc. (and I wonder why people prefer the cheaper oils other companies here offer - they get their oils from JS and SOS, so at least they have a bit of a margin).

Give him a quote, let him pay up front and everything will be okay.

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It still seems scammy. Ladies' name is Tara Richard and email is a gmail with tarastoresltd in it. Also she ne er provided a store name or website since they were just setting up and "getting ready to establish a worldwide presence". Is this the same name that you got ubure?

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It still seems scammy. . Also she ne er provided a store name or website since they were just setting up and "getting ready to establish a worldwide presence".

What? Sorry, that would have made me delete it immediately.

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It still seems scammy. Ladies' name is Tara Richard and email is a gmail with tarastoresltd in it. Also she ne er provided a store name or website since they were just setting up and "getting ready to establish a worldwide presence". Is this the same name that you got ubure?

No, it was somebody else that contacted me.

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