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Which do you prefer: Liquid or chip color dyes for your wax?

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You know, I'm having a tough time with liquids. I made big batches for my original production, and now when I go back to make smaller batches to fill my inventory, I'm getting calculations like ".78 drops" of a color. This is a problem. I'm almost wishing I'd stuck with flakes. Soooooo much easier to color! Love the ones from BCN.

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I use both, depends on the color I'm going for. I have made little color dot samples to use as a reference for myself.

I use the Redi-Glo that Peaks and Candlescience sell, as well as liquid colors from both.

with red I have more success with redi-glo than the liquid

also, every wax takes color different. If you get one color is 6006 you will have to test it in, say, 4627 separate. It will come out different.

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I use liquid (from AAA) and I use soy wax :) When I first began testing candles I was using blocks, but I was never good at figuring how to get the exact color I wanted. With drops I made myself a color chart that is very accurate so I always get the desired color.

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And I would like to announce that I'm a complete moron. I'm gonna guess you guys premix your colors so you have a dropper for each type of candle? It just hit me that pre-mixing my colors into various bottles would save me the strange ".83 drops of black" that I sometimes get.

I love you guys.


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I don't premix mine. I make wax melts so I make easy to calculate batches, like 1/2 a lb or whatever. I have a big chart that has how many drops of the colors needed per pound. I still get some variations in color sometimes but that's kind of the nature of handmade.

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I have yet to find a liquid dye that can truly give me a black candle...which is somewhat frustrating. I can get really dark grey, but not black. Not that I am making a bunch of black candles, but generally when someone orders a Black Ice candle from me they want me to swirl black/white or do half black/half white. Right now I am only dealing with two suppliers (LoneStar and AAA) as I can actually go to those every few months and get what I need. Truth be told I wish I only had to go to AAA as I find them very personable and knowledgeable, but alas they do not carry Soy products...something I am continually convincing them they must do LOL!

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