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Aztec or BCN?


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Guest OldGlory

Well, I'd like to give you reason to buy from one instead of the other, but honestly both have some really good FOs.

I found BCN first and landed a terrific wholesale account because of BCNs Strawberry Jam. I also love their Peppercorn, Mountain Lake, Nutty Taffy Apple, and there are plenty more.

I live near Aztec and started buying my wax there before I was buying FOs. Now most of my FOs come from them because they work really well in soy (464) and because I don't have to pay for shipping. I just drive over and pick it up. At Aztec, I use Blackberry Sage, Mistletoe Kisses, Fresh Cut Christmas Tree, Fresh Linen, Vanilla Bean, Sweet Potato and Brown Sugar, Caramel Pecan Pie (OMG), Cozy Cabin, Rain (people go nuts over this scent), and there are more that I currently don't use but have over the years.

If you have any questions about specific scents I would be happy to share my results if I've used that one.

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Hope you are buying your wax from BCS located in sw/Houston (not BCN located in Wisconsin).) They have lots of good scents!


I have bought from BCS several times and they ship really fast but I've yet to like very many of their oils except Sissies sugar cookie. Maybe I'm just not ordering the good ones. I was thinking of ordering from BCN or Aztec only because I think I might like their oils better. Which oils from BCS do you like?


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I wish I had seen this before I placed my order :o(

I didn't think about apple strudel because I have that FO from Cajun. Do you think it's better than Cajun's apple strudel? I may have to try a sample next time I place an order! I'm sure I'll find a reason soon! LOL!

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I wish I had seen this before I placed my order :o(

I didn't think about apple strudel because I have that FO from Cajun. Do you think it's better than Cajun's apple strudel? I may have to try a sample next time I place an order! I'm sure I'll find a reason soon! LOL!

Belinda...no frets. I'm sure Cajun's is excellent too. I've never tried theirs, so couldn't make a comparison. Have fun with your arriving order - I know it's like a present hitting your mailbox.

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I love Bittercreek North's Pumpkin Crème Brulee, Crème Brulee, Buttery Gingerbread, Chocolate Chip Cookie, Spiced Cranberry, Old Fashioned Christmas, Juniper Breeze, Mountain Lake, fudge Brownie, Smoke And Odor Eliminator. There are so many others but can't think of them right now.

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