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Scent Throw Misconception


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To me, I find it a misconception when customers and/or sellers use "days" to describe the length of their scent throws..the reason being is that obviously everyone's "day" is going to consist of different hours..I have yet to make or melt a tart that lasts at least 24 hours..what are your opinions on this?

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I've ordered tarts from probably fifty different vendors over the past fifteen years and I've never purchased one that's gone "days" no matter what type burner I used. Soy, Paraffin, Parasoy... never had one go that long. The average "might" be twelve hours before the scent is so light I toss it out. These are all great companies with good followings. Most were very good, but depending on the scent some could blow the doors off and others were naturally lighter. My love of tarts is what sent me on the quest to make my own and I can't get them go any longer, either.


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I should update that to say I did order some recently where some of the scents went about sixteen hours and I was thrilled. Wish I could accomplish that! Like you said though, I think it depends on the person. With my own candlenose maybe someone else would smell them longer?

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Even actual hours can be misleading. Since you're speaking of tarts, it depends on the wattage of the melter. It depends on where in your house your melter, or candle, is located. It depends on the foot traffic in your house and how often doors are opened, etc. And most of all, it depends on the fragrance oil and type of wax used.

When customers ask me how long something lasts, I tell them what I said above.

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Mine have to last a minimum of 12 hours in the warmers I use to test or I will not offer the scent.

That said, testing in the summer (husband loves AC and prefers ceiling fans running like helicopter blades) is a mess.

It is impossible to give a melt time since we have no idea nor control over other people's warmers, living conditions and such despite my offering what I know is a long lasting melt.

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I mean I could see tarts that last 12-16 being described as lasting for days depending on the various factors already mentioned above but to me the descriptive word "days" is a misconception..I just didnt know if I was the only one who felt that way or not. Thank you all for your responses!

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I was at a local fair a few weeks ago, and was placed beside a couple of Pink Zebra consultants. They were telling people that all they had to do is place a few of their beads in their warmer and it would last for 30 days!

I have scented dots as part of my line too, but no way can I get a month out of the scent!

The funny thing was, they had a couple of burners going. But people could smell my melts, candles and dots without a burner when walking toward my booth!

I know I can get a lot more hours out of my scents in my room at school, but not nearly as long at home with all the traffic, and other smells such as cooking, washer, dryer, dishwasher all of those things throw a scent too! I think, the same as the posts above, it depends on the place the melts are being used. I also tell my customers there are a lot different factors that will effect how long their scent will last.

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I was at a local fair a few weeks ago, and was placed beside a couple of Pink Zebra consultants. They were telling people that all they had to do is place a few of their beads in their warmer and it would last for 30 days!

I have scented dots as part of my line too, but no way can I get a month out of the scent!

The funny thing was, they had a couple of burners going. But people could smell my melts, candles and dots without a burner when walking toward my booth!

Hell, my melts scent lasts MONTHS, perhaps YEARS....(if I don't burn them!) I could probably market that to my benefit! LOL!

It's amazing what people will say. Over time it comes back to them, people notice the false advertising and for a lot of big companies, it can turn into lawsuits!

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I test mine to last at least 14 hours. Most of mine last longer though. I have left my warmer on for a full day or more and still had scent. I've had customers say they've left it on for 2-3 days nonstop and still had scent.

I do agree that there are so many factors to what makes a scent last longer in one home compared to another.

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I test mine to last at least 14 hours. Most of mine last longer though. I have left my warmer on for a full day or more and still had scent. I've had customers say they've left it on for 2-3 days nonstop and still had scent.

Years ago when I first started making tarts they would last two to three days. Of course I didn't keep notes, but according to my old invoices I was using J-233 and 4794. Can't duplicate those results now. I guess it was beginner's luck.

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I have one scent that lasted 28 hours in a Scentsy warmer. I used soy 464 with candy cane cookies scent. I was amazed at how long it lasted. Found this out by accident when the warmer was left on and forgot about. I couldn't believe it lasted so long. I am sure it wouldn't on a hot plate or a higher wattage warmer though. I generally tell people to expect 8 hours per cube.

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Hi..I have been playing with palm wax...(container) I tried to play with making the tarts/melts now and find that the palm container does not come out of the molds for the melts ;-( I have a case of the container palm to play with and wanted to know if any way to use this for molded tarts and have it come out of the metal molds? Mix with soy?

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