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cd 16 in 8oz mason?

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Ok, maybe I need to start again or something. I have been trying a cd14 in my mason jars. ( rose, cotton candy, warm apple pie.) and it is not reaching a full melt pool after 6 hours. ( two different burns) I am getting an ok HT but.. I thought it would catch up but it is not.

Should I try a cd 16? Does that not seem big?

I am loosing my mind here

Edited by chrisasst
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The best way I've found to test, is to make a bunch of jars all the same. Then try a series of wicks all the way to the last burn. Starting with CD-10 thru CD-18, so that's 5 jars, burn all at the same time to the very end, record everything. You'll waste less wax, FO, wicks, hairpulling, etc. I found I like CDs better then CDNs with this method. You'll learn so much.

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Larger wicks are not always the answer when trying to get a FMP. Larger wicks consume more wax (ROC). Test using the advice above, many jars and many wicks. Also, remember that the jar will heat more or less based on it's shape and if it traps heat (narrow neck) and that the second half of the burn is hotter than the first. Catching up may not happen 'til then,

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CD14 is smaller than a 12 when you look at the charts- I would try the 12

I typically also mainly use 10 and 12 in that jar with 415 but lately alot of my scents are requiring a CDN16 which burns cooler than a CD16- not sure why this is going on- but soy can be very different case to case

Like Chandlerwicks said make a few at a time with the different wicks and see which does better- then test again the winners

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CD14 is smaller than a 12 when you look at the charts- I would try the 12

I typically also mainly use 10 and 12 in that jar with 415 but lately alot of my scents are requiring a CDN16 which burns cooler than a CD16- not sure why this is going on- but soy can be very different case to case

Like Chandlerwicks said make a few at a time with the different wicks and see which does better- then test again the winners

Where do I find said chart about the wicks?

ok, I found a chart on wicks unlimited, according to that the cd 14 is bigger than the cd 12....unless I am reading the chart wrong.

Edited by chrisasst
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It did MS! The chart from WU 10/2011 reads CD-12 has a higher ROC & Flame Height then CD-14 They've fixed it since then.


I swear that chart changed- read this old thread and I have always found the 14 to burn cooler than the 12

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