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Credit card question


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Hello all,

I have a question for everyone about CC usage. I am doing a large show tomorrow in an area with poor cell service. I am concerned my square wont work. What do you suggest? I could take the chance and manually enter them later I think with PayPal, not sure if I can with square. Do you take the chance of it being declined, turn away the sale? And how do you record the card number, write it down or take a pic of it?


Karen in MA

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We've been in shows, mainly inside school gymnasiums, where we had poor cell service and most customers understand that technology isn't infallible. We walk around with the customer until we find a good spot and run the card then. I've witnessed some vendors walk around the entire gym swiping and moving, swiping and moving, trying to get good reception. Again, most customers don't mind as long as you don't try to walk off with their card and without them.

I don't know of anyone who would allow you to write down their cc information for later use let alone take a picture of their card. If a vendor recommended those things to me I would take my card and go elsewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This a dumb question and shows my whole lack of craft show knowledge (which I hope one day changes), but what are credit card sheets and where do you get them? I've only done a few small town craft shows and two of those were about fifteen years ago. Cash or check was the only way I've taken money. I actually did buy one of the little credit card squares to go on my cell phone for when/if I ever do branch out, but have never used it.

Thanks for the info and sorry to take over the original question.

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