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Scary Lye Incident


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I had a tense moment yesterday making my bourbon vanilla milk soap. I added my lye to my de-alcoholed bourbon. It started to darken and then boil like crazy for about 20-30 seconds. I thought it was going to overflow all over it was boiling so hard. But finally it calmed down. I decided to go ahead and use it as it didn't have any funny smell or burnt odor.

I had previously and most carefully burned off the alcohol from my bourbon. I even kept putting a light match on it make sure all the alcohol was burned off. Three matches wouldn't light so I figured all the alcohol is definitely gone. I did add a vanilla bean to the bourbon to let it soak for 48 hours before making soap. I wanted vanilla flavored bourbon.

So yesterday I take out the de-alcoholed bourbon to make my soap. Yowzer that was scary when I added the lye to the bourbon! Can the sugar from the leftover booze have caused it to boil like that? Or was there some trace alcohol in it the test lit matches didn't catch? I don't know.

The soap is curing now and actually smells wonderful. It did a partial gel but I don't care. I was more afraid I ruined the lye so I am curious to find out how the soap does after it cures.

I have added de-alcoholed booze before but only at trace. What I did different this time is use it as my lye water instead and added my milk at trace. I prefer to add my milk at trace but it looks like for this particular soap I will have to switch and add the bourbon at trace and use the milk for my lye solution.

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Beer is on my wish list of things to try soaping. I want to visit a local microbrewery and see if I can't find something interesting.

I tried the soap yesterday and washed my hands with it. It has been curing for about 4-5 weeks. It doesn't have a whole lot of lather but I think that has something to do with my recipe or lye discount. With milk I am learning you sometimes have to use less of a lye discount so I will try that next time. I had use 7% and think I need to go 4-5% instead. The soap smells very vanilla-y. Just wish the bourbon note would have come through but it didn't. So I will be on the lookout for a good vanilla bourbon FO.

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I make beer soap and add The lye without removing the alcohol. I've never had a fizz. I always use flat beer so the carbonation doesn't affect the fiz.

Is there a particular beer you like to use? You say you use the flat beer as your lye water with no problems? Hope you don't mind sharing any info. I would love to try making some beer soap. Also, how do you choose a FO to go with your beer?

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  • 1 month later...

A friend wanted me to make some beer soap. I tried a recipe but due to the alcohol it erupted like Mt. Kilauea on Hawaii. Thank goodness I soap in a sink so clean-up was safe and easy. As for my nerves, well...... haven't tried it again! My friend decided to drink the rest of the beer. That's gratitude for you.

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I make beer soap and add The lye without removing the alcohol. I've never had a fizz. I always use flat beer so the carbonation doesn't affect the fiz.


I think I poured the beer in my pitcher that I mix my lye solution in and let it sit in the frig overnight to let it go flat. I was disappointed that I didn't get more beer fragrance as I was attempting to make a beer shampoo bar.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I make beer and wine soaps. I boil off the alcohol, then let it get VERY cold before I soap.

I make my beer soap the same way up until today I have never had a problem. Fortunetly I always prepare for eruptions and today it did, fortunetly not out of the pitcher that was in a sink just in case. I can verify that even beer in the fridge open for 5 days and is cold can still erupt. Although this was a new beer from a micro brewery that had not been filtered so maybe that was the difference. It had been boiled then in an open container in the fridge for 5 days. I have made many batches of beer soap and this is the first problem with beer. I have had wine volcano out of the lye pitcher. The beer from this brewery I will boil and freeze. My usual beer to soap with is Shock Top and after a 5 min boil and cool in the freezer gives me no problems. I also forgot to add that I did do a water discount that is never advisable with beer, wine or any other liquor in soap. It is now in the mold in the freezer for an hour

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