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troubles in liquid soap land!

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Hi all! I have been experimenting with liquid soap...just a few of thought up recipes (crock pot). the first recipe i did not add cocoa butter. second recipe I did.

Let me rewind. The first recipe I made entirely liquid castile. Second was a mix of rice bran coconut, olive oil and castor. third was the same previous but added cocoa butter.

I have noticed some separating. But not what you and I would usually think of. The liquid still remains "soap", but there is an apparent large "glob". It isn't hard, but soft, and moves fluid. I have noticed this with all of the batches, and shook the container: all was well. However, this recipe needs quite a bit more "help".

Is this normal for Liquid soap (either way having to redistribute after time)? I have recipe calculated, tongue tested, yadayada :) Feels great on the skin as well.

Any advice from liquid soap makers greatly appreciated, Thanks!

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Most KOH is only about 92% or so 'pure' to begin with, so you just have more SF and unsaponifiables in the bottle. Should only be aesthetic if your formula was calculated accurately.

If you heat it again, some of that 'blob' may rise as scum that you can skim. I wouldn't worry about it if it feels nice to use.

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Did you neutralize at all? Reheating can help some too. If you neutralized it can cause globbing, if you didn't you need to take a ph reading. Even if it feels fine on your skin it can still have a high ph level.

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Neutralizing is called for in many liquid (KOH) formulations because they are intentionally lye heavy. Her formula started off with a decent SF% and therefore does not require neutralization.

Soap will have a pH in the 9-10 range naturally after cure/sequestering. This is normal and not undesirable.

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