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Question about Scentsy


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Just wondering, do the scentsy tarts "pop" outta the melt warmer once the wax is cool or does the wax need to be poured out when still warm?

Scentsy is not real big in my area and I havent been able to try their stuff myself yet.

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Having the wax pop out of the warmer once the wax cools is not something I aim for. I just tell my customers to stick it in the freezer for a minute or so and then it pops right out. I have not had any complaints. I do not want my melts to be anything like Scenty's because, from what I hear, they don't last long. I've had so many compliments on how long my scents last and how awesome they are that I am glad mine aren't like Scentsy's.

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I don't worrie about my tarts popping out of the warmer Even thought they do. I tell my customers to just pop it in the freezer If it sticks. Never had a complaint. I would never want my tarts to be like scentsy's the scent don't last very long. Mine out burn theres every time :grin2:

Edited by Dolphin146
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Same here, Dolphin146. Every single ex-Scentsy customer has commented on my tarts, that they are stronger and last way longer than Scentsy's - and they are less expensive. Not worried about Scentsy; in fact, I "converted" quite a few reps who now buy my tarts :wink2: The Company may have the gift of the gab and the advertising down pat, but quality wise.... :rolleyes2jmho

I don't worrie about my tarts popping out of the warmer Even thought they do. I tell my customers to just pop it in the freezer If it sticks. Never had a complaint. I would never want my tarts to be like scentsy's the scent don't last very long. Mine out burn theres every time :grin2:
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I aim to beat out Scentsy. It is hard to convert some people because they are Scentsy loyal. But once they try my stuff they see that mine last longer and cheaper. I have tried Scentsy personally and hated it. It smelt like burnt oil and didn't have a good throw. What got me hooked on melts was a local company that made soy wax melts. That's what started my passion!

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I don't much worry about what they do or what they sell. I have Scentsy customers buying my tarts simply because of the scent and price. A lot I talk to don't like the scents offered by Scentsy and are looking for something better, different or unique. That's why I offer what I do. I also have customers who buy my tarts because it's soy and not paraffin.

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I recently gave a friend a plug in warmer and some of my melts. She's used Scentsy, told me they last about 6 hours- I told her mine have been lasting 2-3 days and her jaw dropped, and she looked at me like I had 2 heads! I have not tried scentsy yet, but tempted to buy some just to compare (part of R & D)

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I recently gave a friend a plug in warmer and some of my melts. She's used Scentsy, told me they last about 6 hours- I told her mine have been lasting 2-3 days and her jaw dropped, and she looked at me like I had 2 heads! I have not tried scentsy yet, but tempted to buy some just to compare (part of R & D)

I get that response too. The beauty of handmade!

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Does it pop out of the clam shells easy? I wonder what kind of wax they use being a softer wax.

I bought a few packs of Scentsy, and it was a struggle to get them out of their clamshell. Their wax seems plastic-y to me, and their scents are not even half as good or strong or longlasting as homemade tarts.

Edited by HorsescentS
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Despite the fact that I KNOW my melts are better and last longer than Crapsy's (not to mention cost less), they are, for some reason, HUGE around here. I swear there are like, little cults, of devoted women who are so brainwashed by the giant Scentsy marketing machine, they won't even try anything else. It's like a status thing or something, to over-spend on an inferior product - "oh, I use Scentsy cause I'm all well to do la-ti-da" ugh. I just want to be all like - helloooo mine are better, buy from me. lol

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they are, for some reason, HUGE around here. I swear there are like, little cults, of devoted women who are so brainwashed by the giant Scentsy marketing machine, they won't even try anything else. It's like a status thing or something, to over-spend on an inferior product - "oh, I use Scentsy cause I'm all well to do la-ti-da" ugh. I just want to be all like - helloooo mine are better, buy from me. lol

Oh honey, you have just described what Marketers call "Branding". It's labeling things in such a way that people just have to have that brand. If you study the history of any large corporation you will see a point in their past when they clearly labeled themselves so that people know who/what they are.

Even if they are crap, or sell crap, they sell you on something else like family values, you're hip to shop "here", or the love of puppies, anything to make people blindly follow the company and buy things at that store over another store.

People work very hard to produce that blind devotion.

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i have never used scentsy tarts, but I was given for a gift one of their large warmers..I love it..

but i do think the bulb gets to hot..I have been using my melts, and that causes the scent to burn off to fast..

I have another brand of warmer..it does not get as hot, and the scent stays much longer..

so i am thinking if the bulb gets to hot..it will cause the scent to fade faster

Edited by 8-GRAN-ONES
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