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Novelty FO Game


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Novelty Fragrance Game

Thought I'd get this started to pass the time. Who knows; this might actually churn out some creative fragrances! Anyone with an amusement or affinity for making fragrance blends or fun fragrance names...come Play! Let's stretch our thinking muscles!

Game Rules: Come up with a recipe for the previous poster's quirky fragrance name. The winner (the person that first posts a working scent blend recipe) posts the next novelty name. Recipe must equal 100% or 1oz. Potentially these scents could be made! Recipe must be based on real and available fragrance oils.

Example: Periwinkle Porcupine

The next player then makes a recipe for the "Periwinkle Porcupine" fragrance, and lists a new off-the-wall name! The more off-the-wall the name is the more challenging it will be for your opponent.

Periwinkle Porcupine

.50 patchouli .25 honey .25 lilac

Next: Snozberries

So how about it? Anyone think they can come up with a fragrance recipe for the above name? (Snozberries) If so, post the recipe and next novelty name!

Edited by rctfavr3
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That sounds really really good!.... I was thinking of my favorite drink on the planet- hypnotic martini :bliss:= .4 Bay Rum .25 Coconut .2 Pineapple .15 sex on the beach

hey, that sounds good too! I was going for the more ethereal-earthy "hypnotic". I like the drink blend though; I can't taste it from here.

Edited by rctfavr3
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