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Impact and Leaky Clamshells


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I've posted previously about problems with leaky clamshells from Impact. I kept thinking that since it was an occasional thing I wouldn't contact them, but I finally got to the end of my rope when I didn't have enough clamshells to finish up a fundraiser because of having to discard so many.

I sent them an email and got a very quick response from Nina Nguyen. We corresponded a few times with additional info and I wanted to let you guys know they did issue me a replacement. I really didn't know the exact number of leaky clams because I had thrown away the bad ones, so I estimated and they sent more than double the number I had told them. My real issue was the wasted time from cleaning up all the surrounding clams (some of which are still waiting for cleanup!), but they did what they could and I appreciate it.

Good customer service needs to be recognized, so I wanted to pass this along to you guys!

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I've posted previously about problems with leaky clamshells from Impact. I kept thinking that since it was an occasional thing I wouldn't contact them, but I finally got to the end of my rope when I didn't have enough clamshells to finish up a fundraiser because of having to discard so many.

I sent them an email and got a very quick response from Nina Nguyen. We corresponded a few times with additional info and I wanted to let you guys know they did issue me a replacement. I really didn't know the exact number of leaky clams because I had thrown away the bad ones, so I estimated and they sent more than double the number I had told them. My real issue was the wasted time from cleaning up all the surrounding clams (some of which are still waiting for cleanup!), but they did what they could and I appreciate it.

Good customer service needs to be recognized, so I wanted to pass this along to you guys!


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About a month ago I had to bring this up to NG and they made it right as well. As the OP stated, not all of them but an occasional leaker... just enough to annoy the **** out of me...

Good to know Impact stands behind their products too, I'm about to order from them next week :)

Thanks for letting us all know!

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I was pouring below 150 also and still had leaks with these clamshells (I had previously poured at 160 and thought perhaps that was the problem, so I dropped the temp to see if it would help--it didn't). Since dropping the temp didn't help, I decided it had to be a weakness in the plastic or a hole so tiny I couldn't see it. I really hope they find and correct the issue because I love the fact that their clamshells aren't hard to separate like the ones from eClamshell.

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Sometimes I get a case that has about 20 in a short time that pop a hole and I pour coooool. Then I will go through a couple cases without a single problem. Its been that way for 5+years but I would still rather use Impact than deal with the eclamshells that I have gotten. I had to keep them aside and pour really spicy things in to try to overcome the plastic smell and the plastic is so thin that they were hard to open & close. It's always something!

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I've had issues with leaky clamshells too. I got mine off the classies, though, so I'm not sure where they came from. They are a pain in the neck to separate, so I think eclamshell. I pour cool, and I pour just a little in the bottom first, to make sure it's not going to leak and to form a seal. Then I do a second pour. It is annoying.

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