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Have I lost my "marbles" a ha ha ha

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Do you know of a photo of your "dream candle". I'm not picturing what you are looking for. I would think pouring two colors at the same time would give you a swirl, but I would think it would have to be like a cold pour, like when you pour two colors of soap into a mold to swirl it.

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This is the look I am wanting but not sure it's achievable in a container. Of course this is a pillar I did but this was easy. I tried again this morning by pour undyed wax in to a container, then as it set up swirled it with a skewer with a very small amount of dye. I ended up with a mess! Frustrating. I didn't think about pouring to colors, maybe a white and a solid color. Will try that here in a bit and hopefully post good result.



Edited by SparkysCandles
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There was a thread last season about someone here doing a swirl candle ad she posted pics. If I remember correctly she said that she poured the two different colors together at a very slushy stage. Never tried it but that might help you.

Just tried and I must of done it wrong....it looks like a 2 year old tried to make a candle! LOL

When it gets to slushy the wax won't all pour and then trying to reheat it makes the tops horrid and if you don't pour slushy enough it all blends together- I had a hell of a time with that way

Second time I poured clear just at slush stage and then took a dropper full of the dyed wax and squeezed a little as I stirred and that worked much better- but still not like the picture of the instructions

Edited by moonshine
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OK I came to an executive decision that Marble containers are more trouble than they are worth. it sucks because I know what I wanted. But between keeping an eye on pouring temps, and pouring at just the right time, making sure I don't get tiny air bubbles as I pour.... it's just not worth it. Oh well. It was worth a try. I may try down the road with a different wax but 4630 is not a good choice. IMO. RIP marble containers, RIP. LOL

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I have never done them with paraffin but I used to make those with soy. I would take toothpicks and put dye on the ends of the toothpick and just as the candle was setting up wipe the toothpick around the inside on the glass all the way around and then let it harden.

I do not see why it would not work that way with paraffin.

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I have never done them with paraffin but I used to make those with soy. I would take toothpicks and put dye on the ends of the toothpick and just as the candle was setting up wipe the toothpick around the inside on the glass all the way around and then let it harden.

I do not see why it would not work that way with paraffin.

That's a good idea...I was thinking of trying a dropper of dye but then wondered about the burn if there is to much dye pooled up in an area

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