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Posts posted by QTsmum

  1. It's very pretty, and the contrast of the two different type styles is nice, but I can't read the word "Lights." Maybe if you remove the blue colored area between the "h" and the "t" it will be easier to read. I like it, but I agree with ChandlerWicks that your old one on your website is even better.

    That was my thought too, take out the colour between h and t and I think it'll be so fun!

  2. They're not in Ontario, but natures gardens ships via USPS which saves a ton! No brokerage fees. And they even refunded me some since they could get in a flat rate box. It's almost worth it, IMO, because 1.) I'm not sure if the canadian fo's are any good and 2.) in Canada 1 oz is $4 whereas I can be 1 oz in the us for $1-$2!!! It adds up if you are buying a lot and you know you are using a reputable supplier. Kwim?

    I do buy my wax within Canada though. I use canwax and Wicks and wax ( I'm in bc, and I believe they are too.)

  3. Im super duper excited to have finally gotten my wax! :yay: I have poured :

    Grasshopper pie

    Pumpkin apple strudel (my last of it! This is amazing!)

    Pear spice

    Holiday sparkle (love it!)

    Pumpkin caramel latte

    Amish quilt (yum, yum, yum!)

    Mango salsa peach

    Christmas tree garland

    Cranberry apple marmalade (yum!)

    Blue sugar

    Brown sugar and fig

    Sweet pea (smells better than B&bw's!!!)

    I've cut back on my 4627 in the mix but they are still really soft. I've done batches with 1/3rd and 1/4 4627. I think it's my new clamshell too. :(. They are 3 oz if filled to the absolute brim, whereas my old ones could hold more than 3 oz! Makes it harder to break. Seems like they are easier to break if there was space at the top. I really don't want to exclude the 4627 completely. As the HT is just amazing. I wonder if people would mind? Some of them pop right out of the clamshell in one piece and you can just break off a square otherwise you could just stick it in the freezer for a few minutes and snap all the squares. They push up and out beautifully once they are disconnected from eachother. There is no residue on the clamshell, they come out perfect, it's just soft, kwim? I even scored along the cubes with a butter knife and they pop out perfect. It's just literally breaking them! :undecided

  4. Does anyone have a wide open house? How do you test? Do you seclude the candle/tart in a room? I find it hard because our house is open but it also has a vaulted ceiling in the main room (I burn in the kitchen which is not attached to this vaulted room) but the scent never stays down here! It always goes upstairs! :undecided. I mean, I can smell it down here but it just is super concentrated up there!

    It's a pretty big house. I wonder if I would be better off testing in my bedroom ? (it's a pretty good size). I do have a plug in up there and put Amish harvest on and I could smell it coming down the stairs. I know that scent/wax mix is a winner. It's so strong!

    Or do I just go by what my testers are saying? It's so tough because everyone has a different view of what is a good throw! I would say my Amish harvest is strong 5/5, but have heard other people say 3 (but then go on to say it filled the whole house for days! :rolleyes2) ...I don't think I would want to know what a 5 would be for them! :o

  5. I got a big box of bears today!!! :yay: I found a distributor for First and Main bears in Canada and I didn't even have to have a business number to buy (I don't have one yet!)!! I'm so excited, LOL! I got a ton of them. I got a bunch of the 'Tender Teddies' (have you seen them! OMG, SO CUTE!) I'm trying to decide if I want to wait on my other wax or if I should just start dipping with my soy (I think I have 464 on hand).

    DS (he's 4) quickly picked out a bear and chose Peak's 'Pear Spice' as his scent! (So random! I thought he'd choose peanut butter or hot chocolate, LOL!).

    Do you think 464 would be good enough? I can't remember what I used to make the baby's. It was just the left overs from a kit I got! :embarasse But it smells divine!

  6. Ok, I've played around with a ton of ideas (suggestions) and I think this is the winner. It just looks complete to me...Professional. Interesting, balanced...I love it! :tongue2:

    I'm going to have my warning label on the inside of the clamshell.

    Do you think it's a winner? I will change the colour of the name depending on smell.


  7. Thank you! Do you mind if I use your label? I love the 'Do not eat" LOL!

    Agree that we all have different tastes and want different looks. For certain!

    I assumed that the wax would be colored and would be on peg or organized by scent as opposed to all being laid out on a table.

    My packaging is super simple. I'd venture that most would not like my look at all! Uncolored melts with a distressed kraft label, all black type, 2 fonts. They all look the same. Even still, no one is confused on what scent was in what bag. I kept the labels super clean and simple so scent name was uncluttered and clear. I had my scents and scent categories also clearly labeled on cool Kraft shipping tags with khaki labels with scent name or category on.

    Faithful included some great safety copy on her label. I do not use clams so put these on the back of my bags. I researched copy from several sources and wrote my own:


    I'd LOVE to see them when you have some all done!

  8. I'll definitely play with it and check out what the other suggestions look like.

    I do like the idea of having it all in matching colours, (believe me, I'm very colour conscious, lol!) but do think that on a table with 100 clamshells, it'd be frustrating for a customer not to be able to just look and recognize the scent they are looking for quickly. Having kids, (small ones at that) I know how important it is to be able to do things quickly!!!

    What do you need on a clamshell for warning? I'm not into wicked candles much yet...

    I really want to keep my label as clean and simple as possible. I totally agree with not filling every blank space with a heart or star! I'm going for more of a modern look, and less really is more in this case.

    I think I will print some off and stick it to a clamshell and see what it looks like. I'll take a pic and post it for critique! It'd be easier to judge when seeing it on the package!

  9. All I know is be careful when texting it. When I gave the first 6 to my sales person to take out on the road and sell she ran out in 20 minutes. When she tried to text me she needed more cracklin birch the autocorrect changed it to "crack bitch". I laughed so hard I almost tinkled, lol. Now we just call it crack since it seems to sell as well.

    OMG, Laughing my butt off!!!

  10. Be nice! ;) LOL!

    I bought 2x4 labels and am going to cut them in half for clamshells. I bought them when I saw them on clearance without realizing they'd be a smidge too big! :rolleyes2

    Anyway, what do you think? I drew the vine (with inspiration from my accent chair and help from DS with colouring, LOL!)...


    I figure the middle will be for the scent name.

    I could always change the 'Melts & More' to be the turquoise colour and do the scent name black?

    I'm thinking I should lose the 'Highly scented wax melts. Once I add the name it'll be busy, eh?

    I really wish I could get the DeVine Aroma outlined in black, but I can't find a font like that.

    Also, if I do go with this scheme (I love the colours!), what colour should I do the scent names? Usually they would co-ordinate with the scent (IMO) but it'll be really clash-y with some, i believe.

    Alternatively, I could make this my name label (with modifying of some sort. Maybe a small blurg including simple directions?) and do a separate scent label...


    Just playing with some ideas:

    What about this:


  11. Beware however, I have personally gone certifiably insane reading their scent descriptions and reviews.

    Don't go on the site unless you have a LOT of time.............. *faint*

    Omg, yes!!! I tried to not browse too much, especially since I already have so many FOs. I could get in trouble quickly!

    I am finding I like NG better now that I switched wax- I couldn't get most of their oils I tried to do anything in 464 (wicked that is- melts we're okay)- they seem to be much more friendly with 415

    Which kinda sucks for me because now I want to try more- and more is NOT what I need! LOL

    Thanks for the heads up. I have some 464 and I would have been so bummed if I got no scent! I'll avoid it in that wax!

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