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Posts posted by QTsmum

  1. No I'm sorry I thought 4786 was a harder wax? 4625 is a pillar wax, very hard. Then disregard my 1st post if 4786 is soft like 4627.

    Not nearly as soft as 4627, but it's not shatterable, hard. Kind of like butter that's been out of the freezer for an hour (lol!). You can cut it, but it needs some muscle or a hot knife.

  2. I really like using 4627 in my melts but they are too soft to get out of the clamshell nicely. Will adding a bit of soy (I have 464 and Some CB Advance otw) help harden it? I have been using 4627 50/50 with 4786. I also did a 4786 - 464 mix and it is a lot easier to get out. Would adding like 25% 464 to my 4627 mix harden it enough to help, you think?

  3. I ordered (I should have gotten some tips before I placed the order!!!):

    *Keep in mind, a lot of these are for dipped bears, which I'm going to market for baby's rooms! *

    7-up pound cake

    Baby clean

    Best Friends

    Children's room

    Doodle Bug

    Frosted LIme cupkcake

    Honey Bunny


    Fairy Dust Type


    Vanilla Lavendar

    Island Christmas

    Cracklin Birch

    Christmas Cabin

  4. I didn't realized they shipped USPS to Canada! Do you even know how much money that will save me on UPS fees??? ;). I just ordered a few scents.

    How are they? Pretty good quality? Most of mine are from rustic essentials although I have some (I haven't tried) from bittercreek and some from peak otw. But jeeze, with the USPS option NG will be my go-to if they are good!

    (seriously, I pay usually $100 AFTER shipping in brokerage fees, so this saves a TON!). :cheesy2:

  5. Oh no, the da-de is totally changeable. I want the pause. So people can just say 'Devine aroma'. I do like scented too, but I think if people just want to call it 'Devine scented' it sounds incomplete without the 'melts and more' part, don't you think?

    And yes to the 2 lines in the package. Since I'll mostly be doing melts, the label will be small so it'll be ideal to have a name that can be broken up.

    Thanks for the feedback.

  6. I never knew there was hoopla over zucchini bread! I ot some in a sampler and it ws s great! I love it! Hehe.

    Toasted marshmellow smells like it'll go with a lot. I don't think it's overly sweet...a nice alternative to vanilla.

    Holy shoot to typos!! Sorry!! I'm on the iPad and apparently we are not compatible! :o

  7. YES!! I am so panicked! I keep going into my craft room and looking, expecting to find more! I do have wax, just not what I am using in my melts! I should say, I am using clamshells. It looks pretty cool! I should get some snowflake molds though, it would look beyond cool!

  8. Theres a ton that I can't get into Canada....there are a bunch of fo's I can't try (from candle science, for example) that I would pay to get an oz or two of! It sure if that's any help,whatsoever, but yeah...what I wouldn't do for an oz of mistle toe! ;). GL, I hope you find a way to get into it!

  9. I made some because...well...I have no workable wax left, LOL! I made Christmas Bliss in an interesting grey-blue shade using mottling wax. It looks pretty cool! It smells great! But will people think the wax is diseased? :laugh2: I thought it would be pretty cool to look sort of like snowflakes!

  10. If you had to pick a scent that is loved by majority of people what would it be? I, personally, can't imagine anyone not liking Amish harvest (lol)...would something like apple pie be more widely liked? Something else? What do you think?

    If you advertised a smell as your business, which would it be? Is this a weird question? I've had a spiced rum and I'm a lush, so...yeah. What does it say that I have a spiced rum and want to talk candles? LOL :shocked2:

  11. DaVine (DeVine?), wax melts and more (in small writing)

    My 'logo' (I've been playing!) is a modern vine in red, turquoise and lime. Can't remember our name??? Remember da vine! :laugh2:

    Is it lame?

    My other name was Mmmeltables. I do worry about spelling and google though.

  12. And you know, I never realized you could burn scentsy more than once! When I heard that, I kicked myself because I tossed my melts after a burn or two at most! When I read that you should be able to get (whatever hours they say) out of their melts, I was shocked. I definitely didn't! Now I know!

  13. YAY!! I'm so excited! I have some recent failures although they may have to cure sync ether have some soy (let's hope!) so hearing that was great! My other friend burnt the melter for 20 mins and it filled her house (I know the layout, which helps!) so I was hopeful! Here's hoping I can reproduce the results! I lucked out BIG TIME with having great fo's for that batch, I think!

    I could have candle nose too, which makes me angry, LOL!!

    I have some meters OTW, so I will soon be able to test a little better.

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