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Posts posted by QTsmum

  1. Ok so I got suckered into doing a tiny giftables fair this coming weekend. I have a ton of bears I've made and I have 2 more left to do. I have them all wrapped nicely in cellophane and I'm going to leave one out as a display.

    Now, which scent should I pick? I'm marketing them as mostly baby room fresheners so have 85% of them as baby room scents (children's room, vanilla lav., welcome home, doodle bug, ones like that). The ones I have that aren't typical kid scents are 7up pound cake, creme brûlée, flannel sheets. I have a ton of fragrances.

    I was thinking perhaps Amish harvest since it's been a HUGE hit (I have a ton of testers testing melts and every single person has been head over heels for it!!!) but then wonder if I should stick to my theme of childhood scents OR if I should stray entirely and go with something seasonal? (Candy cane with vanilla, or something childish but seasonal, kwim?)

    I have banana, peanutbutter cookies, milk and cookies, hot chocolate, a ton of seasonal ones...Too many to list.

    So, what would you do? I'm so torn and I'd like to get them done up tomorrow while DH is off work.

  2. Because you guys are awesome!

    It's Icy Peppermint > Gingerbread > Sugared Pine.

    It smells really good to me. Very fresh. It seems very outdoorsy to me. Very winter.

    I don't think any one scent sticks out very much, it's very nicely blended. The peppermint just tickles the back of your tongue when you sniff it, to give you that blast of mint. Why is there not a smell feature via the internet yet???!! ;)

  3. Do you like it? I poured some last night and it just smells like wine to me! :lipsrseal. Not really what I was expecting. Hopefully it'll be better once it cures. I just don't smell the lovely berries that I was anticipating. The reviews were so good, I bought a bigger bottle of it too!

    Eta: from peak.

  4. Yep! Seems they are great after sitting for a bit. The scent throw is unbeatable with 4627 in there. I had some in baggies for samples and I could smell them while walking outside! :)

    I'm going to need a room just to store them, lol! We haven't been able to eat at our table in a week! :o

  5. I've been finding some testers via a local moms swap group on Facebook. I mean, I can only test my scents so far, right?! I've had amazing feedback, I couldn't be happier with what I am hearing!

    I posted last night again for some new testers (posting they are required to have their own melter) and one girl said "I want to try these melts I've been hearing about!". :yay:

    Another girl said she hates using P-lite because they are so expensive and others have told me they can never get more than 1 burn (I have the same results with the S brand, personally) and she said "FINALLY!!" to having something local and I have a bunch of people asking me about pricing and selling! :grin2:

    I'm so excited. I knew it would be a good thing here!

  6. So, my soft wax actually is sort of neat! I was really worried because they wouldn't crack to pop out. Well turns out the whole tray of 6 will slide up and out with a push and you can break off a square or two and plop it back in!! I wonder if people would mind? I mean, it's no extra work and it's not messy at all.

    The throw is just amazing and I really want to keep using my blend! :tongue2:

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