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Everything posted by doglvr

  1. Well, there we go. Instead of slaving away making tarts and candles, someone manufacture the container for everyone to buy and make a million bucks that way!
  2. Yes, wondering about the molds. I've googled all I can think of and nothing comes up.
  3. I love Vanyulay molds. They tend to be a bit pricier, but they are so soft and flexible that the tarts just fall right out. I have some others from various places and it's such a workout for the hands (and I have some arthritis) that its not even enjoyable anymore to use them. I would replace them all with Vanyulay if I could! Jackie
  4. ROFL.... you're right, they do!
  5. A new rage on forums - does anyone know where to get these or has seen them? I haven't, but perhaps someone else has. Thanks!
  6. Wow, great story! And good for you. It is amazing how cruel even adults have become in the more modernized world where for a moment they can use their fingers to become "experts" without even thinking of the ramifications of their comments. It seems like good spreads slowly and bad spreads like wildfire. "Monkey see, Monkey do" and we wonder why so many kids today seem to have lost empathy towards others. We need only look at their parents usually. It's such a delicate balance in the business world online where people can remain anonymous. Scares me to pieces at times.
  7. I'll go back and give that a try. It worked so slick before. Took about three whole minutes to ship a package. They should listen to that old saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" I think the problem is before the insurance option though, not sure. It just won't let you select your size box. It's like it gets stuck there. Of course I called and sat on hold for an hour and then hung up and left an email, but no answer to that yet either. Bummed.
  8. Am I the only one having problems with click and ship? I tried to do a label and pay Saturday and the whole website was different. I used to be able to just fill in the blanks and it would go to another page where you select the box you're using and then pay and print. Since Saturday, the option of choosing your box is gone and you can't go any further than a certain point. I tried my neighbor's computer and the one at work as well and same thing. Anyone else having a problem? Thanks!
  9. Not sure if anything uploaded or not, but Butterfly Cove is a beautiful name ! Tried to upload something, but not sure if it worked.
  10. I think you have a very genuine concern. Unfortunately, cyber bullying extends to adults as well in this day and age on the internet. I read reviews on Amazon all of the time before making choices and I know others do as well, just as an example of the power of written words. I think what I would do at this point since it has started, is make your own Facebook page. Maybe you have one already. You can send out a heartfelt plea about second chances, you can do a humorous "about me" with "that's my story and I'm sticking to it" or approach it in several different ways, but I would do some sort of brief explanation about your new opening and second chance and explain (details are up to you) a little bit about how your dreams were put on hold because of an illness, etc. Tugging on heartstrings often stops even the cruelest of people in their tracks and more might be willing to overlook the past and give you that second chance if they were made aware of a reason for past negativity. You can even pull people to your side instead of the "pack" mentality continuing. I watched a new company go completely down the drain a couple of years ago by the comments made on forums, so this is a genuine concern. You can have a great product, but with as widespread as it gets on the internet it can make or break you. If you decide to do this, I'd spend some time on the Facebook page as well chatting it up and becoming friendly to people. It's a little extra work, but might be worth it in the long run. Just make sure that you do indeed have a great product to offer. Jackie
  11. I agree that Hayride is wonderful. It does smell like fresh mown hay on a ranch in the summer.
  12. I made a scent called CampOut, which is BCN Log Cabin mixed with Ozark Forest from RE. I know exactly the scent you're talking about because it was special to me as well and this is as close as I can get to it. Fresh night air, pine, smoky wood... yes!! If you want a tart to test it, send me a PM and I'll mail you one! Love this scent. When I melt it in the house, I think I smile all day. Jackie
  13. Like a kid at Christmas, I just opened my box from Oregon Trails and coconut will be in wax by tonight along with all the others I got. I'll report back after curing to let you know!
  14. Thanks Inez! I was always reluctant to order from a site mainly for soap, but then I tried Elements and was pleasantly surprised how many I use from there now. Now, what to take off the grocery list sitting here to accomplish this.... LOL.
  15. I did a search and only found one good thread about them but it was all positive. I read through descriptions this morning and Calypso Moom and White Witch (that one is expensive) sound interesting. I've got a list of about eight going right now. Of course.... sigh. Jackie
  16. Thanks Inez! My little fingers will be sending me down the Oregon Trail in a minute here!! LOL.... Any other good ones from there you've discovered so I don't buy everything that sounds good?? LOL Jackie
  17. Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one! Right this minute I am melting The Candlemaker's Store Creamy Coconut and guess what? Nope... smells good, but little throw. I cured this puppy five days just to make sure and again, I am disappointed. Wonder why this particular scent is so hard to make good? I bet I've tried just about all of them from every company out there. Bummed.
  18. Well, bummer. I've been playing with these neon colors today and it's a total bust compared to last night and I'm not sure why unless it's the addition of more fragrance oil for a bigger pour than one ounce. The color is sticking to the fragrance oil and binding with that. There is an overall coloring, but much remains in the bottom of the pot after pouring along with fragrance oil that binded to it. Plus, when cooled, the color fades to a pastel and completely loses its neon look. I'm stumped. I'm sitting here looking at this brilliant orange and pink I poured last night into cups and what I did today is totally different. So for now, I wouldn't run out and buy it
  19. I got my neon colors from One Stop Candle and poured two one ounce cups last night. BEAUTIFUL!! I did orange and pink and they are definitely neon bright. It isn't a powder, but a block - or chunk to be more exact. I did have to use quite a lot to get this for a one ounce cup. Probably almost the same amount as an eight ounce pour, but perhaps less would have been ok. I kept adding because it didn't look dark enough. It mixed right in with nothing left in the bottom of the pan when I was done. So yes, these are great for neon colors. Since they have something in them that is black light reactive, I poured one with scent just to see if it would effect scent throw or anything, but I'll have to wait a couple of days to melt that one - I only make tarts. He did say wicking with a candle would be difficult if anyone is planning that. I doubt they would be body safe either, but for what I need it for it's perfect - just hope the scent isn't effected and I can let you know that in a couple of days. Jackie
  20. I've thought about this since you posted the question. I "think" you could only offer a couple of things like clamshells and/or cups. With shapes like bakery (buns, muffins, etc.) or any other molds, you have no idea of what shape someone is going to pick. It would be impossible (for me anyway) to house 25 scents in say five different molded shapes. The inventory would be astronomical. It probably could work just offering clams and cups.
  21. I bit the bullet and ordered some from here: http://onestopcandle.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?page=OSC/CTGY/FCP Chatting online, they told me it could create a problem with wicking but since I only want it for tarts I didn't need to worry about that. I will post a review for you after I give it a try! Jackie
  22. I plan on being online in the spring to sell tarts and so far I have a hundred scents. I considered the financial output, but as a customer who bought tarts forever and then as someone planning to sell, I realize that times have changed since I bought tarts. Back in the day.. LOL... almost everyone had the same scent options and you stuck with whoever made them the best. Now it seems, especially watching the tart hauls on YouTube and reading the various customer forums available, they are looking for more unique scents than Cinnamon or Hillbilly Homebrew. I've even read many posts that say if a place doesn't offer at least fifty scents, they don't even bother looking because under fifty and all you're going to get are the old standard scents available everywhere. They can be renamed of course, but I would think that might anger some customers who thought they were getting something new and unique to try and come to find out it's just their (for example) honeydew melon they've always purchased. It's easy for people to say make an excellent product and you'll have repeat customers, but getting them to become customers in the first place is the key and scent options is huge anymore. People are different though. If I go to a site that has over two hundred scents, I get tired of reading all the descriptions, but if I go to a site with less than say fifty, all I see are the regular scents I've always purchased and even I seek out new scents to try. Just my opinion. Remains to be seen if I ever make any money at this... LOL! Jackie
  23. I've decided on all molds and shapes and cups before getting the website done. I was wondering how sales are for those who sell tart brittle? I'm assuming it's just poured into a cookie sheet somewhat thinly and then broken up when cooled? I've never purchased it as a customer, so I don't know a lot about it except that I see it for sale just about everywhere. Just wondering if it's worth adding another button to the website and offering it. Thanks for any comments or advice! Jackie
  24. Great idea. If we weren't right in the middle of an ice storm at the moment I would be heading to Home Depot. I will have to get a digital thermometer as well. Thanks so much! Jackie
  25. So, I'm the proud owner now of a bright red turkey roaster. However... can some clever person tell me what you do to monitor your wax temp? The edges are thick and round and there is no where or way to clip on a thermometer. Does this thing get hot underneath? Can it just sit on a wooden table? Thanks for any help! Jackie
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