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Everything posted by gingerinarkansas

  1. It's a cute idea but shouldn't you shorten the wicks and remove the homespun. Some people would not have a clue that needs to be done, light it without removing fabric and then the whole cake goes up in flames. People aren't real smart anymore. Ginger
  2. Sounds awesome...take the class and learn all you can. JMO Ginger
  3. You've got some BIG balls there and they look great! Ginger
  4. That's the $hits!!! Some people will do anything. Ginger
  5. Those are all so incredible...looks like you've been busy. My favorites are the ribbon candy and stockings. Ginger
  6. That's some mighty purdy soap ma'am. Ginger
  7. Well, I still can't see them but they all sound awesome. I wonder why I can't see them? Any suggestions? Ginger
  8. Don't sit on a container of cinnamon apple fo if there is some spilled on container. That stuff will burn you in places you don't need a burn. GInger
  9. I learned to make candles when I was 16-17(54 now) from a very talented lady who lived in our rural community. I found out after her death she was active in IGCA. Worked for her in the summer then had to get a real job. When I lived in Texas I worked 6 years making candles for another lady, then 4 years off and on for myself. Damn I'm old. Ginger
  10. It's going to get too expensive to ship or have something shipped to you. Ginger
  11. I like the look and it sounds great. Ginger
  12. I don't see any pictures...just the box with red X. Ginger
  13. I love the colors and the scent sounds so refreshing. Ginger
  14. Your products look beautiful. Ginger
  15. They just showed the Tuesday episode and got to see him milking goats and making soaps. The soap didn't look nearly as nice as what you guys post in the gallery but I love to watch him. Wouldn't you just love to meet him? Ginger
  16. I ordered a package of 12 in a box from LTD last year and I think they were under $10.00. I listen to them sometimes when I make candles. Ginger
  17. Wow...guess I missed this one earlier. Ginger
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