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Everything posted by JenT

  1. My summer shows were BAD!!! I made my cost back but not much else. Wouldn't have been so bad if it wasnt so darn hot!!! I did 4 ...and none were as busy as the years past. I'm hoping my fall and winter shows will make up for it!!
  2. Thanks for your info! I'm just glad I didn't go overboard like I almost did...lol....some of those scents just sounded so yummy smelling!!!!
  3. http://www.saveonscents.com/ I bought a few scents from them....wanted to give them a try...they have a lot of nice sounding one. But I CAN NOT get these scents to mix with my wax...was wondering if anyone else has had this problem with their scents??
  4. Hey again, Just tried to send you another PM...but wont let me. Anyways...I did customize my html codes...forgot to mention that!
  5. Your welcome! I save every good idea link I find in my favorites....figure even if I dont need them...someone will.
  6. Here are a few links I have in my favorites http://www.fromnaturewithlove.com/recipe/recipe.asp?recipe_id=533&affiliate=32880 http://www.makeyourcosmetics.com/recipes/index.asp?cat=salts http://www.bathandbodyrecipes.com/ http://www.craftbits.com/viewCategory.do;jsessionid=aUn3oIpBZ1ad?categoryID=BAB http://www.heartnsoul.com/bath_stuff.htm
  7. Wish I could help....I use paypal cart too and I couldn't figure it out....I just told all my locals to contact me and I could send them an invoice so they wouldn't be charged shipping. If you do figure it out...PLEASE let me know!
  8. I'm glad I didn't spend all that money!!! Thank you for telling me about that! When the companies contact you about optimizing...course they don't tell you all that....I bet he was red faced...good thing he didn't pay money for it!
  9. Maybe I am thinking optimizing? Honestly I am NOT a web builder person...lol...learning things as I go along. I do know...I was contacted by a company 2 years ago about my site...I was only getting hits through people who knew about my site or from eBay. This company contacted me...told me to go to my site...click on the view...source...etc....then had me go to another site and do the same. The other site had key words and basicly I was told thats the reason for not coming up in search engines when people typed key words. They wanted to charge me $1500 to.... I'm pretty sure now... optimize my site...NO way I was paying that! So I looked into it myself and added a meta tag with key words and finally started coming up in key word searches...I also added my site to search engines...did the google page thingie on my site...something worked...and I didnt pay $1500...lol...
  10. Hey...I haven't talked to you in forever! Those are SO cool! I still have that blackberry sage candle you sent me...I love it! I have it sitting on my desk and can smell it without even burning it!! Where did you get that scent from again? I have tried 2 and NONE smell like this one.
  11. Hey...on your web builder, can you insert html codes? If so...you would add a meta code right at the top of your site. If you go on to your website...not in a web builder...and click on "view" then "source"...you can see what search engines pick up. If you dont have key words....etc...your site wont be included in searches. Here is a link that can help you http://www.mothersworkathome.com/mothers_meta_tags.htm Then add your site to EVERY free search engine that will allow you too!!
  12. Same here...I thought he was a she also...lol:D
  13. Loren is the best...GREAT customer service...FAST shipping...I use only FO's from them! If you like a creamy sweet dessert scent...try her Creme Brulee...I go through this like water! Strawberries and Champagne, Sex on the Beach, Chocolate Chip Cookie those are good too...and the Pumpkin & Vanilla is the best too!
  14. Hey...yeah I bought one from walmart too and used it twice and have put it away. It didnt seem to work very well either...not hot enough to melt the wax yet the white plastic part was hot as you know what.
  15. HI, I have a couple boxes...not sure if they are what you are looking for. ...okay I saw the link....nope those arent the kind I have...lol
  16. Tell me about it!!...LOL...I can't go to her site to offen or I'll be broke! Her molds are the very best I have found....very easy to un-mold and VERY detailed!
  17. Congrats! I have looked into selling to chains....Wal-Mart, K-mart, Target...etc....only thing is you need UPC codes and they are $$$ CRAZY! I sell alot to tanning & hair salons, fitness clubs and private owned stores....gift shops and such. I just stop by... ask to speak to the owner or manager.... with a business card, a flyer and a candle.....just explain who I am...about my business and let them know if they are interested in offering my candles to let me know. I've had a few people order right then and there from the flyers...and a few have even told me other places to try! Good Luck!!
  18. I love those...they are SO cute!!! If anyone finds a mold like those...PLEASE share where!!! Closest thing I have found: http://jagsmolds-candles.bizhosting.com/wash_cloth_silicone_mold.html Not towels but cute! I am sure a mold of the towels would be $$$$
  19. I had that happen to me too....I found that the rubber band was to tight ...but then one was to loose causing more wax settle in the middle....I used a bigger rubber band for one mold and a tighter one for the other and have had no problems since....maybe play around with smaller or larger bands until you get it right...easier said then done I know.....when you use the bigger molds takes FOREVER to get them to set!! I also use warm water and soap to clean though most mold makers will tell you NOT to use water on them. I have purple, yellow and white silicone and have used water and soap for years with no problems (knock on wood)...lol
  20. I've made a "Odor Eater" kitchen soap with coffee grounds and have not had a problem at all....its works great on onion smelling hands!
  21. I though about the refrigeration too....though I am afriad of sweating candles! I am going to try out the ice packs....shipping a candle to AZ to see what happens.....though I would have to agree with "barncat" DONT ship on Fridays! Also...make sure the candles are packaged up right!!!
  22. I have it all taken care of.... I was STRESSING big time yesterday! Meridith: Hi...I'm Jen from Pixie's Candles....nice to meet you! Thank you for your reply...I totally understand your concerns...I haven't posted on here as much as I guess I could/should...but a few of my candle making buddies and their friends do. I didn't want to buy a mold to use just this one time and not again....your right they arent cheap...the mold I was looking at was $50 plus over night shipping would have been CRAZY!...most mold makers I contacted Friday had to make the mold....it had to set up and could ship it out on Monday....I was hoping someone would swap me molds and could ship on Friday....(which she and I did)......if it was a mini size mold sure I would have bought one..... I'm sorry that I havent posted on here...though I will say I have gotten some great advise on here! Thanks again for all your replies on here and through me email address....you guys are the greatest!
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