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Posts posted by cybersix

  1. Test going on, the CD10 and CD12 are behaving the same way, curling and maybe are developing mushrooms (can't say exactly now). The tumblers are 3 inch wide, after two hours the melt pool is not full, larger with CD12, the hot throw is good in both...

    The small tumbler 2.5 inch wide is going with a CSN9 but it seems a little underwicked. I will let them burn and see.

    The wood wick today is not so good small flame and no throw.

  2. ChandlerWicks a CD12 seems big to me, I made some tins time ago and I settled with a CD 10, anyway I'll do as you suggest. I also found CSN wick from candle science I forgot them in a box, maybe I'll give those a try too. Flickering flames, mushrooms.. my nightmares. I'll try to do my best!

  3. Hello, I'm about to test some container. I don't have a lot of experience with containers, I only made some very large and I found out cd 18 was the choice. The wax I'm going to use is a palm wax for containers that looks like soy, it's in flakes and it behaves likes soy (don't know what wax is it, it's from pitisumi haiash and it's the only I have here in italy).

    The containers I found are glass tumbler, I chose these because they are inexpensive. The smallest has a 2.55 inch diameter, the largest is 2.95 inch.

    I have a lot of wick samples of different types, I have RRD, CD, HTP, WU paper core, ECO, LX..

    I was reading the charst on wickit and wicksunlimited. They bot say all the wicks work well in natural waxes, I got a bit confused on wichs size to pick.

    Any suggestions on sizes to star with? The tumbler are straight, same diameter from top to bottom.

    From what I was reading here I got the idea ECO wicks have a lot of problem.

    Many thanks! :cheesy2:

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