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Posts posted by cybersix

  1. Gotcha. If it's any consolation. my *old* 2002 camera doesn't do much better...

    I am so intrigued by the "stark" look of that middle photo - to me it looks a little desolate, like a broken heart, or a good heart turning bad, the black part of everyone's heart... or something... Now THAT's ART!!

    WOW Stella I never thought about it in this way!!

  2. Hi all, after a long time I went back to make some candle. all of my things are still in my old house, slowly I'm taking everything here in the new house, so.. I took the time to play a bit. Pics are not great, I took them with my phone just after the candles were out of the mold.

    The blue one is scented beach daisies, the red and purple one is scented "tramonto fiorentino", the scent made just for me (but available to anyone lol) at daystar.

    Thanks for looking!




  3. I think it's because they are clearing the rainforests to plant palms. Like crops. The problem is that the are destroying a whole ecosystem. Not to mention how many species may go extinct because their habitats are becoming smaller and smaller and the rainforest is slowly but surely being destroyed.

    I like soy because it's grown here in America's farmlands. The soy that I use is 100% American grown.

    Oh yah, to plant palms they clear rainforests. Stupid me.

    What I don't get is that candles can't be the only one cause to this.

    Good to put a hand on heart and think to our earth, but we are not the only users of palm oil.

    Once it is a problem with paraffin, then with OGM soy crops, then with deforestation. Sooner or later we'll have to quit on making candles?

  4. I just read this.

    I don't know what to think now.

    I sure will go on with my best sellers, palm wax pillars. I can't let go everything I make everyday there's something new..

    So I will keep on using my loved (hated sometimes) palm wax.

    But there's one thing I don't understand.

    Palm wax is made with palm oil. Palm oil comes from the FRUITS of palms.

    You don't need a whole palm tree. So what the relationship between harvesting palm fruits and deforestation?

    Don't fruits keep on growing?

    If I harvest apples from an apple tree, the tree is still there, in my garden.

    I'm an ignorant, is someone able to explain it to me?

  5. Sabrina, le candele sono cosi' belle. L'Oceano e' la mia preferita, sembra proprio come l'acqua del mare.

    Il "Punto e virgola" mi ha fatto ridere, perche' e' un'espessione che mia madre usava quando io volevo sapere tutti i particolari di una certa cosa! Scusa se il mio italiano non e' troppo buono, sapevo parlarlo bene quando ero molto piccola; all'eta' di 50 anni.... it's a whole different story, lol

    Il tuo italiano è perfetto, complimenti!!! Dove hai imparato?

    It's sure better than my english.

    Dot and comma are my lovely cats, then there is Dash, but he came after I opened my business.

    It's so funny what your mom used to say, never heard it!

    Thank you for your careful thought of writing in italian, and for your nice comments!

  6. Thanks girls, and thanks FaeryWren for your italian words!

    And, as always, I thank you all for being so patient and reading a "spaghetti english"!!!

    Tlc, yes, I'm a long time member, unfortunately I'm alwasy too busy and have no time to spend on this beautiful forum.

    But it's my fav place in the world!!

  7. Hi all, I thought I'd post some pics of my candles with my new label. I chose to make a cigar band instead of an hanging tag, it's easier and faster. Sorry for my pics, I always take them while I'm working so you can see an assortment of things here and there.

    Wish I had more time to make some good shot with my lightbox, but I've just finished them and I have to deliver them tomorrow in the morning.

    Thanks for looking, any opinion is greatly appreciated, as always.







  8. Hi pretty lady. It has been a long time since I have made any candles. I love the new ones you just posted. Hope you are doing well. I am doing a show tomorrow. First time to be selling in over 4 years. I know how you feel about cats. My friend just lost a cat because the vet didn't know that lilies were dangerous to cats. She developed renal failure. The vet didn't figure that our for two days. Did you know that?

    Hugs, Donita

    Hi my sister, so how was the show?

    I'm not sellin much too, mainly I'm focusing on my new projects.

    I didn't know about lilies, thanks for letting me know. I'm so sorry for your friend.

    Cats are so special.


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