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Posts posted by Margaritamama

  1. Naffydoodle? Must be an English saying...I love it! Something else to tease my DW about. She's from Wales and I always tease her with gobsmacked, gutted and a few others. I'm going to have fun with this one! Thank you!


    My DH is from Wales, and I know just what you mean..... Don't you love the way they say "ears"?!?!?

  2. I've also heard that it has something to do with oxidation, and the FO's, but I have no idea about that.

    As I mentioned in my earlier post, I had made some candles with 1343, 3 tbsp/pp stearic, 1/2tsp vybar, ivory dye chip and 1oz/pp FO (Nag Champa). The round one was wicked with an Eco 8, and the ball with a LX18. When I burn the candle, the melt pool gets darker, and sets up as a really dark green. I had made two of each type, and changed out the wicks to flat ply, and the problem went away...... I figured it was the Eco wicks. I tried to burn another candle the other day with an Eco wick, and experienced the same problem. This time the candle was light blue, and the melt pool turned yellowish-green. Another candle that I made the same day, but light green, and wicked with the flat ply, did not exhibit the dark melt pool..... I'm befuzzled :confused:

  3. Thank you Regina. Excellent mottle on that one, and the color is gorgeous!

    I appreciate all the work you've put into this experiment.

    I do have to agree with Top on this one. Your burn looks fabulous, but it does seems to be burning down rather fast. I use exactly the same formula with my 1343A, but I don't get nearly as good a burn, but I've unfortunately never got it all the way down to be able to tell you how long it burns.

    Here is what mine look like after the third 3 hour burn. The bulge is very evident, and it just gets worse as the burn continues.... I've tried to burn it for 5 hours straight, but the sidewall just starts to almost fold over. Much too ugly for my liking......


  4. IThank you Top for making me a better candle maker and thanks to everyone who has shared their unique ideas, many of which I have copied. I have found that being a member of this forum board, you have to sift through the information and find what works for you. Sometimes it is just plain entertaining and sometimes it is very educational. Sometimes it teaches you to have thicker skin. It's all good.

    AMEN to that Sister!!! ;)

  5. My 1343A wax mottles nicely and won't bulge at all if I use about 2 TB of Stearic per pound. It self consumes perfectly. I use a 24 ply on my 3 inch diameter pillars, cept for vanilla and cinnnamon, then I wick up a bit.

    WOW!!! I'm amazed.......

    I've been testing my 1343A for about 3 months now, tested approximately 40 candles, and have not been able to get rid of the bulge in mottles!!!

    I have tried 2tbs/pp of stearic, 3tbs/pp of stearic, vybar 343, translucent crystals, 7 different types of wicks, etc etc....... no luck!!!!

    You must have tested so much more than me - So 'fess up Girl, What's the secret?!?!?!? :confused:

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