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Posts posted by Margaritamama

  1. Well, I'm not really an "expert", but I've never really had a problem with any of my candles coming out of the aluminum molds - even unscented. In the beginning, I would be in too much of a hurry to see how they turned out, and it was always a struggle. Now I wait until the mold is really cool - and I mean cool, before I will even attempt to unmold. As soon as I turn it over, the candle slides right out.

    Could be I'm missing something here, and that there are a lot more variables as to what wax you use, or additives. Maybe someone who is a little more knowledgeable will give some advice.

  2. Thank you so much for all your nice comments...... I must admit that I'm crazy about the Indonesian Teak ones too. When I removed those babies from the mold I was whooping around the kitchen like a crazy banshee - DH thought I'd poured hot wax all over myself....... :D

    The scent is awesome, and the cold throw is excellent. Not sure If I want to burn them though!

  3. Tucker, I'm sorry to hear about you needing surgery..... But please don't quit!!! Your candles are so great, and we love having you here. Give it some time, and see how your recovery goes before deciding to give up and sell everything. You never know, you might feel great afterwards and wish you were able to get back to your hobby.

    Candles will be lit for you........

  4. It looks like a red with pink undertones. However soy is another animal, and I would suspect it would take more than the usual amount to obtain that deep color. If you don't get any responses, I would experiment using the red, with a tinge of the magenta.

    Sorry - I'm not a soy expert, but I thought I'd just add my 2 cents..... :grin2:

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