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Posts posted by joyofsoycandle

  1. Man, the ezsoy.......well...if you want hair left on your head dont use it LOL...thats my opinion. I too...must of gotten bad batch of wax or something because every single size wick that worked, doesnt work. Now that i have a huge order, and just got a new case of wax, they all had to be rewicked...it was all explained in my panicky post in the business section about what to do about this order...because i have to rewick every candle i made. I tested some like i always do from the batches i made for this order, they didnt burn right. They have had to go up two wick sizes!! I am now going to test IGI6006 and greenleaf perfect blend. :rolleyes2 :cool2:

  2. I know these are extremely stupid questions...but i seriously dont have a clue how to even start...to make soap. Should I try cp or hp first? Where do i get lye? In the directions part of the tutorial it says mix lye water, how much lye, how much water?? lol im sure its somewhere in this forum but im so new to this soap stuff i dont have a clue. What are soft and hard oils, what does it mean to bring to trace? What can you use for a mold? I know for the hp soap tutorial it showed what you could use, can you use the same thing for cp soap? What do most of you think is easier, cp or hp? I know i sound extremely stupid, but i dont know lol When singleyellow roses recipe says lard, what kind of lard?? crisco? where do you get the lard....lol....olive oil and sunflower oil, are those just the oils you can get at the grocery store, and whats pko? Please dont think im incredibly stupid, but i need step by step instructions here lol :o

  3. I come in here and look at all the soaps you guys make and it makes me want to make some sooo bad!! Should I just stick to melt and pour? Ive done that, but your whatever the heck kind of soaps they are look so much better! lol. Are they cp, hp? You can see I have NO clue! Whatever all those in the gallery are, that you slice and they look so yummy! I sound so stupid when it comes to soap! lol. Anyway I was wondering, ive seen places that sell some premade soap...that you just melt and pour but its the kind thats made from scratch, only i wouldnt have to make it from scratch LOL. Or, whats the next easiest step? I want to make some for me and the kids to try. And just not sure where to start other than regular melt and pour. What do you think for a soaper beginner? lol

    Editing to show the soap base i was talking about besides basic melt and pour.

    "This is a basic rebatch refill, in a shredded form. It is a simple, all purpose base that makes an excellent starter base for beginners. Ingredients: Lard, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Lye, and Water."

  4. BTW, I honestly didnt post this to get people not to buy from them, BUT...that is what I was mentioning to them...that customer service speaks for itself, and maybe my order was "too much trouble for just a small mold", but when people hear about how they treated the person with the small order, how will people feel about placing a large order when they arnt attentive to a small one? Well, I did get my money back, so I will go elsewhere. Just didnt want the same kind of treatment happening to everyone else.

  5. Wow, i figured i wasnt the only one. Im really not that unlikeable LOL. All i did was ask for proof my order was shipped, want my emails responded to in a timely manner and my order shipped in a timely manner and to the correct address! I am definately going to be more careful about who I order from. Who would you all recommend for a jelly bean mold anyway? lol.

  6. Just wanted to let you all know, and if I am not supposed to post the name, I apologize ahead of time. But I would think people would want to know about the company and the experience with them to protect you all from future experiences like mine.

    Soapandcandlemolds.com WORST customer service I have EVER experienced. I can not believe the responses they gave me (when they did respond) to my emails. I dont give a crap whether I spend $18 or $100, good customer service should mean giving the customer and idea of when your order will ship, making a good effort to ship it quickly, and ship it to the correct address!! Also, I just cant believe these people had the NERVE to treat me as if I caused THEM so much trouble. Some people really dont get it. I honestly know that sometimes mistakes are made, i make them too. But I was patient, and all I wanted was responses to my emails without waiting for days and days, and then being told they sent several emails when they didnt.

    I ordered in the beginning of January, a jelly bean mold. Well, I got the automated confirmation that my order was received, and nothing for a week. I emailed to make sure they got my order, and ask when it would be shipped. I sent THREE emails before I got a response. I heard excuse after excuse...oh we emailed you. Yeah right...there were no other emails. After emailing several times I finally found out they shipped it supposedly, and that was it. So I emailed them back, said I want proof my order was shipped. I want tracking number, confirmation number, something. Well, then of course they say again, they have sent emails. NO they did not. So finally they gave me the tracking info. WHY should I have to hound them for it???? THEN, they sent it to the wrong address. You know what kind of response I got when I told them I want an immediate refund or the mold sent to the correct address? They said, they would be glad to refund my money because its been too much trouble for just a small mold. It was $18 plus shipping. Ok, for some of you thats just pennies, but the money I make from candles is MY money that I earned!!!! I dont care like I said, if its $2 or $20 or $200 whatever, its MY MONEY!!

    If all a customer is, is too much trouble than what in the hell are they doing in that business??? Then I mention to them that its NOT too much to ask to have an order shipped in a timely manner and to receive tracking info and have it shipped to the CORRECT address, and they said this: Thanks for the tips on how to run our business. It's people like you that make it difficult to do business with the general public.

    I then said that its people like me who will make it difficult for her TO do business with the general public, because I will make it known to everyone I can think of...what bad experience I had, and that there company stinks!! Now, I do apologize if im not supposed to type this, delete what you need to if necessary, but I would think people would want to know before they spend there hard earned money on someone who doesnt give a crap because its "too much trouble for one small mold". It just REALLY ticks me off because who in the hell do they think they are to treat a paying customer like that. Do they want business or not? Oh i forgot, not the business of someone who orders just a small mold, too much trouble. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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