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Posts posted by joyofsoycandle

  1. Hi! I was wondering, if I start with melt and pour.....if what i want is the most moisturizing bar...which base would i start with, shea or goats milk? Also, could I mix both of them for a really moisturizing bar? Or, since I LOVE lots of bubbles and lather, should I try the shaving soap base? Is that more drying though? Just looking for some opinions, thanks!


  2. I was really nervous too, I came here to ask for advice i think, before i went into talk to her lol. But I believe a good product will speak for itself! :smiley2: So just go in and politely mention that you make handmade items...and that you would like to offer them some samples to try. And give them a list with your scents and items available...might be a good start.

  3. Well, i kind of got my foot in the door because my boyfriend works in the hospital, and was talking to all the girls/nurses/etc about my candles and then they wanted some, and when they got some and liked them, told other people and Vicky who works in the gift shop heard about it, asked to see them, i brought them in and gave her a couple samples, and she ordered! She said she is really happy with them and everyone has come in daily waiting for the candles to arrive when they found out she ordered them for the gift shop!

    But, if you dont happen to know someone that works in a hospital, or whatever the case may be, you could still always take samples in, i think thats how i hooked her, i let her pick a couple jars and votives and she loved them!! :yay:

  4. Yeah, you are all right. I just am in shock at how much she can sell them for. I guess since this is a small town, there arnt alot of places to get handmade candles. But, this hospital is small, there really arnt alot of people that actually are admitted and stay in this hospital, they get transferred somewhere else if they have to stay. So, its mostly the employees, nurses, that type of people who buy the candles. They buy alot of partylite candles and say those are expensive, but my candles at $7.50 for a 2pk....those are expensive!! lol She bought them from me, at my retail price. And i sell them for $3.00/2pk. So I just couldnt believe that! :shocked2:

  5. Ok, I had posted a while ago about how the hospital gift shop here in town bought a bunch of my candles...etc. Well anyway, I dropped the votives off to them while I finish up with the jars....she had a display all set up and has them arranged very nicely. Looks cute! Anyhow, guess how much she is getting for a 2-PACK of my votives?? Just take a guess.........................she is selling them for $7.50/2pack!! AND THEY SELL!!!!!!!! Can you all believe that??? I am just in shock lol. have any of you ever paid $7.50 for TWO votives?? I cant believe she is getting that much money for them! I just had to tell all of you, now im curious to see what she is going to mark the jar candles up to....:shocked2: :rolleyes2

  6. ya know what, i made some vanilla buttercream crunch and chestnuts and brown sugar candles with ezsoy a long time ago...well like over a month ago, they never had any scent to them at all, then when we moved hereinto this new house, i lit them again, they had already been lit before obviously...and this time they smelled really strong. I think those scents, in my wax anyway...needed very long cure times! Ezsoy is the pits anyway though, IMO LOL :P

  7. Hey shelley...:smiley2: The silicone molds are what i used to always get. If you want to make candles that have the grubby look without having to whip the wax and grubby them yourself, then the silicone molds are the best. They are soft and you can pop that candle right out. You can make regular candles with the metal molds, and then whip wax and grubby them that way. But its easier to use the silicone molds. ;) In my opinion. Hope that helps ya out sis!

  8. well yeah i remember the email address, but i dont have access to it anymore, and i dont know any of the old information, phone, address...so i have no access to any of that. i have been on the phone with paypal over and over and they told me i could not use that card on my new account. So, i am at a loss.

  9. I cant do anything about it. I dont remember any of the old information for the other account. Dont remember the old phone number or address. It was a long time ago. So they said they cant help me because I dont have all the information. :sad2: I have a new account now....that i opened. that was an old one i had in the past and closed a long time ago.

  10. I know this is kind of wierd to ask of someone, but i was wondering if someone that can accept credit cards....other than through paypal, could take a payment from me with my credit card, and then send the money from there paypal account to my paypal account. I would pay the fee that it might cost ya. The reason I ask is that its quicker than getting a money order, and I need the stuff faster. She wont take anything but paypal or money order. My credit card cant be linked to my paypal account. I closed an old paypal account with that credit card on it, and didnt realize that any information on that account could not be used again. Thats what they tell me anyway and they wont let me add my credit card to my new account. So, if anyone is willing to do that for me, i would pay you with my credit card, and then have you send the payment to my paypal account. I would greatly appreciate it!! Let me know if you can help, thanks!


  11. Wasnt sure if I should put this here or the fragrance section. Im using soy, but im wondering if those of you that use Peaks Patchouli, do you have to wick up ALOT? I have normally used a cd 10 and 12 with more fos, and now im up to a cd16 and its not even burning it completely evenly. I think a cd18 would do it. Just wondering if those of you that use it have had to wick up that much. I just switched to peaks patch. Before I just used a diff one and didnt wick up that much!!

  12. HI. Im pretty sure its in here, im searching but not must be using the right words, im trying to figure out what size htp compares to the cd wicks. If im using a cd 16, 18 or 20, which size htp would compare to that, thanks! And am i correct that they are the same wicks? just cds are made in germany and htps are made in usa? thanks!

  13. Oh lol i guess that was the important part huh lol. She was totally fine with it, shes really very sweet and just told me to take my time. But I know that everyone at the hospital is asking her every day when the candles are coming! lol. But she was great about it. I just told her that after testing one of each of the candles i already made, i discovered that the new case of soy wax i received was burning differently than normal and i had to change the wicks on all of them so they would burn correctly. I also told her im testing some new waxes so I dont have to run into this problem again, and she was fine with it all. She said she loved the candles I gave her to try, and she didnt mind waiting. I was relieved! I told her also that I am going to be making the candles ahead of time now once im finished with this order so that I can be ahead and the wait time wont be as long next time she orders. I said these things in more professional terms lol but yeah she was great about it all. :smiley2: Thank you everyone for your advice. I just about lost it when every single candlle i burned wasnt burning right. I wanted to just give up! But...i got busy with rewicking them and will have them delivered to her friday...so gotta go and get more done! lol...


  14. Hey everyone. Well, I called the lady at the gift shop, I will have the candles ready by the end of this week. But, I have had to rewick all the jars....up two wick sizes!!!!!!!! I am NOT i repeat, NOT continuing to use ezsoy!! I am now going to test the IGI 6006 and the greenleaf perfect blend. I can not stand this, i dont have the time or patience to have to rewick the candles every time the wax behaves differently! The votives are fine thank goodness, thats ky natural votive pillar wax though, that always seems to work wonderfully for me. Anyhow, i will be moving on and testing these other waxes once this order is done. Plus, i will be making candles ahead of time now...i cant stand making them to order. LOL. Plus, that way they will have time to cure. Anyhow, thanks for all your advice everyone. Oh by the way, it is the wax....i tried the same wicks in the gf 444 and they worked! :rolleyes2

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