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Everything posted by EricofAZ

  1. Wonderful. I was thinking about buying that rose pillar mould, I think they have it at candlewic. Sure is lovely and all the candles look nice.
  2. I have a paraffin blend that I came up with that holds 18 percent very easily, no sweating at all, no additives. I agree with Stella that wicking that kind of FO load is problematic (I tried it and grew the gnarliest shroom you ever did see). However, it seems to work well in the warmer that I bought at Walmart. I have not tried to see what the sweating/saturation level is. Might be able to go to 21 percent, dunno, haven't tried. At 18 percent its pretty strong. Also, the wax doesn't have the cohesion it does at lower percentages meaning that it acts like it wants to break apart and crumble when I pull it out of a clamshell compared to what wax is like in candles and clamshells with lower FO amounts.
  3. I use those two ounce dixi cups at Costco, scrap wax, and hamster wood. I fill the cup 1/3 with the wood and pour in about a half ounce of wax. That leaves plenty of room on top. They burn about 6-7 inches tall which is enough to light a log on fire if you put them under the metal log holder in the fireplace. They last about 5-10 minutes which is plenty. I use to use scrap wicks but between that being labor intensive, and the difficulty of lighting the wick once in place, I gave up. Just light the rim of the cup and it takes a minute then it goes. For safety reasons, I have instructions to place them first in the fireplace, then light them with one of those long nose lighters.
  4. Bill at www.snowdriftfarm.com will dupe, with a 25 pound minimum. I think his scents are very accurate.
  5. Well, I had some pumpkin pie spice and I'm out of Lavender but I have some Sage Lavender so I tried that. 2/3 pumpkin and 1/3 sagelavender. Figured I'd use it with my favorite paraffin blend and continue my coconut oil experiment. In the presto it was quite nice. if it works, I'll rename it "Enhancement Enchantment" or "Libido Magic" or "HottDawg" or "Merry Musk" or "Atten Hut" or "Macho Music" or some such thing. Lets see, Living Large is probably copyrighted. Help me out here, what other names should we use? Where's Steve Martin when you need him?
  6. Very need and orderly. mine is pretty scary looking.
  7. the yellow looks a bit strong for a pastel, but maybe that's the photo. Um, maybe Grandma's Kitchen which is a citrus FO. Lemongrass, grapefruit, etc. ? They do look nice though.
  8. I use a cheese grater, one of those big rectangular ones. The fine setting. http://www.cooking.com/products/shprodde.asp?SKU=117178 I knock off the rough bottom and set the pillar on a table and turn it next to a ruler, or measure in 4 or 5 places. If its within 1/16 inch, I'm happy, otherwise, I shave off a bit of the high side. Shavings go into my firestarter bin.
  9. I'm starting to experiment with CO in paraffin. Seems to make adhesion to glass better with reduced wet spots. Seems to also aid in mould release. Has a better luster look to the final product with great tops. I don't know yet if it helps throw. I think the throw is the same, but I haven't used it in very many tests yet. Wick seems to be the same.
  10. I've enjoyed lurking in this thread thinking that, yeah, sure, someone is going to spend money for a designer sink FO. NOT! Just use scotchbrite and soap. Well, OK, the garbage disposal does seem to be out of reach and I don't want to spend the $50 to buy a new one (and a Saturday putting it in). So, now you convinced me, there is a good reason to try this out!
  11. Ok, couldn't sleep so I tried again and got it to work. Goodie! The sale is for case only, not slabs, but I really want to try the 4045 because I want a good dripless taper and Bruce thought it might be worth a try. If it works out, great, if not, I'll see y'all in the classies. I'm a long ways away and the shipping is pretty reasonable given the distance - for wax. Boy, when I looked at glassware, the shipping went through the roof, so I'll wait for a shipping discount sale (candlewic did that a while back) before ordering glassware.
  12. so I'm trying to place an order and the website gives me: Server Error in '/' Application. Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'pky_tbl_Customers'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tbl_Customers'. The statement has been terminated. I filled my cart last night and it was gone today so I started over.These folks really make it hard to throw money at them.
  13. Dana, I'm like you, I play after work and try to get everything resolved. I'm not going to spend one NY Second (which I guess is shorter than an Arizona second?) calling in the daytime. The day job is my priority so if I can't get it resolved at night, it doesn't happen. I like Candlewic, they sell rolls of raw wick at reasonable prices (much to Einstein's delight) but their webmaster is a slouch. Go to the moulds page and look at the picture of the floating rose, then click on it. You won't see it listed. It is, however, listed on a different page. Gosh, isn't that a shame? I have nothing to do at night but notice glitches in people's websites? (And play with Einstein.) Oh, the PM was that the 4045 by the case does have the pallet price, but not sure about slabs.
  14. Self trimming wicks sometimes tend to leave deposits in the MP. Moving the candle can make a swirl. I have seen this with some of my test candles that were overwicked or didn't turn the tip of the wick to ash on power burns. Proper burn time with trimming prevents this, but if it went overnight and got moved later, its possible.
  15. Stella, Well, um, yeah, there are plenty of impatient folks. I hear people talk about leaving soy for months. I don't see that as being necessary in palm. However, now that you talk about soft crystals, I did notice that when I "play" with a palm pillar, it feels about like a hard paraffin, but after a week, it felt like a baseball bat. So you have a point about waiting a week. That said, I had great HT with EO's when I tested after 24 hours so I sorta felt that longer cure times were not necessary.
  16. Jack, I'm with you. I wouldn't like to pay for new ones at retail price and get that problem. Given how new they are, it might indicate defective plating, so yes, you really should return them.
  17. ah-soy, Peaks and Lonestar are pretty close. I found the best shipping from generalwax. Unfortunately, genwax just sells that chinese stuff and not the IGI, but the glassware is sometimes affordable (and I do mix in some of the chinese wax with 4786). You have a hobby lobby in Phoenix now. Haven't tried it yet, but they have a 133 MP wax that is reasonably priced. Ok, back to palm, yeah, glad to hear others concur that it doesn't seem to need the long cure time.
  18. I have a few taper moulds like that and they are getting a bit scruffy looking. I bought them very well used so no complaints here. They work fine. Yours look a bit like a coating might have separated. That's what happened to mine, a few small areas where the coating pealed off and the metal rusted underneath.
  19. Candlewic has a "truckload" sale on "select" wax. It is a vague offer. Apparently they are offering "truckload" prices (pallet price?) for select wax that will be calculated at checkout time, ie, after you commit to buy. Does anyone know if this applies to 4045 wax? What quantity? Slab? Case? The offer says "Conditions Apply *" with the asterisk but nowhere on their site is the asterisk defined or explained. I was always taught that footnotes, endnotes and asterisks need to be explained.
  20. Top of Murray Hill knows, maybe in a search you can find it. I don't work with palm as much as I should (it is really nice stuff that throws EO's like crazy), but my feeling is that once the crystals have formed and the wax has stabilized (couple of days), its probably ready to go. Anyone disagree? I'm really just guessing here.
  21. To all down under.... CONGRATS ON THE FIRST EVER AUSTRALIAN TOUR DE FRANCE WINNER - CADEL EVENS! I bet all your pubs are running dry right about now.
  22. The 11 oz status jar with a glass lid is pretty nice. www.generalwax.com Under a buck each with the lid included.
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