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Everything posted by Wessex

  1. Candle Science and Peaks here. No SKS, unless they are related to specialty bottle. Steve
  2. No, the soy blend I was talking about is a blend of different soy waxes. Cheers, Steve
  3. 250 degrees!!! I have never gotten wax this hot (on purpose, LOL). Does anyone go this high!? Never had any problems adding FO to soy at 175-190 degrees, or to palm at 175-200. Cheers, Steve
  4. I've made them, but with Feather Palm. GG Palm would not come out of clamshell, it has no shrinkage. You have to be very careful with your pour temperature. Pour too hot, the clamshell deforms. Pour too cold and you do not get the good patterning. Also, there are some clamshells that are just too thin to take the pour temperature, even when pouring cooler. I just go with the soy blend I came up with, it is easier than worrying about the narrow pouring temperature window. And the soy blend holds more FO, if a higher percentage is needed for the lighter FO's. Also, because of the high melt temperature of the feather, they do not melt in the nightlite warmers and do not melt well in the other lightbulb warmers. They work great in the 2-in-1 warmers (hot plate type). Cheers, Steve
  5. Just be careful. If it is not her card, or if it is and she disputes the charge, you have no proof she made the charge (signed receipt, etc.). I hate to bring it up, but nowadays you have to assume the worst, unfortunately. Cheers, Steve
  6. By the time I get my labels off the printer and walk to the candle room, they are dry. Sometimes I let them sit for a minute or two, but never had a problem with the ink smearing. I use onlinelabels and labelsbythesheet labels with an inkjet printer. They are not waterproof, however. Cheers, Steve
  7. One of my cards that I use for a couple suppliers had a bogus charge last week also. There was a $0.00 charge from Apple online. Fortunately I caught it and cancelled the card the same day. They were trying to make sure account was good before they charged something. Have to check which supplier I used it with, as I made lots of purchases with it last week. Also a few months ago my Discover was used to make a purchase online that was refunded the same day. Discover caught it before I did and sent me a new card. Lots of hackers out there these days. Steve
  8. Ask for a pic, but since you didn't break it, I don't know what she would want. Tired of people wanting something when they break or destroy a product. Like the people who want to return clothing when they rip it! People bother me, that's why I don't do craft shows, LOL. Cheers, Steve
  9. I have been staying out of this discussion since I do not do business with WSP and will never do business with them because of their ignorant business model. But I just have to chime in! Even if I could get something cheaper from them I would not do it. Their business practice is just plain wrong IMO. How they can basically cheat some customers is pathetic! Maybe a customer living across the country can get a decent deal, but at the expense of closer customers. And what is up with the real-time pricing? This company just needs to revamp the very stupid way they do business or just go away! Hope they know they are driving themselves out of business. OK, rant over :smiley2:. Cheers, Steve
  10. Close enough that you really do not notice a difference. Cheers, Steve
  11. OK, made some test burns with the new wax. During the burn I thought I might have to wick up, but at the end everything caught up. If you put the finished testers side by side with testers from the old wax, there is no difference. It appears the new wax has the same burn characteristics as the old stuff. That is a load off my mind. Oh, and does not appear to have any difference in CT or HT, either. Cheers, Steve
  12. When I use Merlin's Forest on my larger candles, I do increase the price. I simply tell people that the fragrance oil contains certain ingredients that have risen sharply in price. It is the only candle (so far) that is out of line (price) with the other candles. Cheers, Steve
  13. They look very nice! Played with the tortoise-shell a bit, but went with the Feather, Starburst and Featherburst (found them easier to wick). Yours turned out a bit better than any I tried. Cheers, Steve
  14. Of course NG carries it. I use it in Palm and Soy and it sells pretty well. Have no idea what it would do in soap. I like the scent, but have never compared it with the one you use, or Bert's. Cheers, Steve
  15. Thanks for the replies. Looks like it is not worth getting too involved with. Too bad, there are so many cool oil only warmers out there. And the warmer I have going with Merlin's Forest (0.1 oz in cup) has been throwing great for almost 60 straight hours! Oh, well. Maybe offer them as special orders. Cheers, Steve
  16. I actually use 3 different soy waxes in my tart blend. It is what I found works best with the FO percentage I prefer. My advice is just start blending away, it is very interesting to see the different results. It also gives you a better understanding of different wax properties. Cheers, Steve
  17. Maybe I should have asked how many DON'T sell warmer oils, LOL. There are just so many really cool oil warmers out there, I guess I just need an excuse to buy a bunch :smiley2:. Cheers, Steve
  18. http://www.tealightboxes.com/Sparkling_Clear_Acetate_Box_for_4_100_pack_p/tea-4p%20-%20100%20pack.htm
  19. We received lots of personal hygiene stuff and much of it was scented (Irish Spring soap, etc.). We were never told that we could not have scented items sent to us (just booze, drugs and...pornography, LOL). Cheers, Steve
  20. I use this size from Labels by the Sheet. Don't know if Online Labels has the same size. http://www.labelsbythesheet.com/items/standard-white-labels/standard-white-rectangle-labels/2-x-3-rectangle-white-label-sheet-br-usually-ships-same-day-w4-3r_9303-detail.htm Cheers, Steve
  21. Actually, if a candle is private labeled, your contact info does not need to be on it. But the name of the retailer must be qualified by a phrase such as "manufactured for..." or "distributed by..." This does not mean you are not responsible for liability issues, because the retailer will have your contact info in their files. As long as the manufacturer can be traced through paperwork, all is legal. Cheers, Steve
  22. I find that most of the FO's I get from NG are good. And it is much closer, so shipping is cheaper. I have recently sampled many FO's from Peaks and have been happy with 90% of them. So I will go with the ones from NG for the shipping, and a couple from Peaks because I like them better. How's that for waffling, LOL. Cheers, Steve
  23. I figured everyone would chastise me on the pricing, LOL. And I agree. But could not charge my niece, it was her birthday after all. Did not want to charge my stepmom. She is just coming back to normal after my Dad's death last year. It was my SIL party, so counted it as the Hostess Gift, LOL. And I told the others that the first taste is free if they send friends to buy! I have never done a House Party, but now I think I have the bug, LOL. I want more!!! Already planning ways to rope family members into hosting some parties! Yet another thing on my plate, LOL. Cheers, Steve BTW, when I was at my stepmom's house a few weeks ago, I found about 6 of my candles around her house. Apparently she had found one of my retail accounts and paid full price. Never asked me for freebies or discounts! Gotta love the woman, LOL!
  24. Have to ask yourself if the gain of this account will off-set the potential losses from your site, as well as losing the goodwill of current customers when they see the price jump. Of course my first reaction would be to tell them to go stuff themselves. You do not work for them. Of course that could be counter productive also, LOL. I am assuming they want you to raise your prices so customers will not migrate to buying from your website instead of their store. Tough call. Cheers, Steve
  25. Howdy All, Done the search thing and decided to get some more opinions. How many of you sell scented oil for oil warmers? Since I had everything on hand, I decided to make a few samples for myself. Did the 50/50 mix with FO and DPG and tried some out in an oil warmer I had. Right now am using Merlin's Forest and it is doing great. Tiny bit of smoking with the bulb turned up to the highest setting, but that stopped when I dialed it back a bit. So it seems like a fairly easy thing to make, and I have all the ingredients on hand. The only thing I would have to purchase would be containers. Figured the 1 oz Amber Boston Rounds would be the best. So I guess I am just wondering if this would be a nice addition to my product line? Any input would be appreciated. Oh, and if you are willing to say, what price do you sell them? Thanks guys and gals, Steve
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