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Everything posted by Paulette

  1. Wow, Congratulations. Everything looks great. Now relax. What all do you have in your baskets?
  2. That is great news. congratulations. Better get busy with those candles.
  3. Great Finds Kathy. I need to come to your town.
  4. Yeah, I finally got in. I have never ordered from them before. Never been to their site but OH Wow. They have some great oils. Was disappointed that I had to order $25 but I needed the Brown Sugar and Fig. I will let you know how it is. I can't wait to get it.
  5. Thanks everyone. Sharyl, the band is a xmas scene that goes all the way around. Guess you can't make it out.
  6. has anyone seen this anywhere but Sweet Cakes? I can't get into Sweet Cakes. Is there a problem that anyone knows about?
  7. I've not tried the 2inch pillars so can't help there. but the votives I use a RRD29 or 34. I didn't even try the zinc. I doubt you will get a good burn from zinc but you never know till you try. and make sure palm votives are in a tight fitting container. hth
  8. that is really great. Glad it was a success
  9. It was an open house from 2-4. this gal had invited 15 people and 4 showed up. Sold $197. I didn't think that was too bad. In fact I was excited!!! What was funny is I worked so hard this last week pouring all these xmas container candles. Guess what sold. 2 orders for hurricanes, one jelly jar, and the rest was in Tarts. I was floored. Lots and Lots of tarts. You just never know. I was so nervous and glad the first one is overwith. I did have fun. Here are pictures of my set up. I know it needs work but best I could do this time.
  10. I am testing this right now. Some I have a nice flat top and others I have to do a repour. I pour at 165-175. I have found you have to pour slow. hth
  11. I have tried Peaks. I had some cracking on the outside of the picture that I embedded and I have never had that problem before. I was using 1260. It could be something I have done cause out of 3 of them that I did the other day one came out perfect. The wax seems to cool alot faster than the 1260 and comes right out of the mold. I will continue to try it. It is in powder form so no pounding on the drive way.lol
  12. I am using the new embed wax from Peaks. This is the first time I have tried it. I use to use 1260, and never had that happen before. HypOr - that is exactly what mine did on two of them. They also came loose on acouple of the edges. WEll, I will use this slab and see if it coninues and if it does I will go back to the 1260 or try 5055. thanks Donita and HypOr.
  13. I made acouple hurricanes with pictures embedded. After it cooled and sat awhile where the pictures were it cracked on the outside. I have never had this happen before. anybody have this problem? thanks
  14. okay the 2.50 has a plus sign so it is 2.50 plus 4.00 so the 8oz is 6.50 that is confusing and will change all that. thanks for all the comments.
  15. Boy do I have alot of work to do. I think what it is doing is adding the shipping into the total.
  16. Thanks for the all the advice. I will work on it tonight.
  17. thanks for the compliments. Now that it is up and going I have some changes to do.
  18. Well crap. things never seem to go right for me without a struggle. I emailed them and asked if this was going to be an ongoing problem. Hope not.
  19. thanks alot. I will be making the changes. That is why I wanted everyone's opinion. This is my first website and I value what everyone thinks and how I can better myself. No, you weren't too brutal.LOL I can take it.
  20. Here is my new website. www.pollyannasattic.com Let me know what you think. What I should change. Misspelling! etc. Be gentle. LOL
  21. http://www.craftlister.com/text?PageName=Online+Directories here's a few
  22. Thanks Suds, I used J223 before. I love the way Peaks wax looks and very few wet spots some don't have any. What wick do you use in your JJ? thanks
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