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Everything posted by ajl

  1. Those look great, nice colours, my favourite is the first one
  2. You are certainly not back to square 1, those candles look amazing
  3. Glad they turned out well for you, they look so pretty
  4. Looks like its time to sit down and have a rest now Everything looks great and good luck with the show :smiley2:
  5. What a great find, those candles look great
  6. They look great :smiley2:
  7. You just curl your wick around a pencil or something similar. Great looking containers
  8. My first thought was also ocean. Great lookin' candle btw
  9. I love those, they look great :smiley2:
  10. Below is a link (I hope) to a supplier in the uk. Haven't bought from him yet, but he replys to e-mails and seems very friendly and helpful HTH http://www.candleicious.biz/html/candle_supplies.html
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