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Everything posted by jenniejr

  1. Carrie: that soap is awesome!! I am in luv!!
  2. I'll 2nd that ... ENABLER!! You're killing me with all these new soapies and scents! DH is gonna kill me! LOL Love your colors!!
  3. WOW!! That color is kick ass!
  4. Great balls!! I have tried & tried to make those and they always go flat on one side! Guess I'd be better off trying the tablets.
  5. Ooooo .... something new to try Now I wanna make some! Where oh where do I find the recipe/direction??
  6. awwwww, sorry your colors died on you. :undecided I have been having the same prob with the micas I got. I need to just break down and buy the select shades! I am still waiting to hear about the foil hat!
  7. is it out of bed yet?? I think it looks wonderful! I bet it smells great too.
  8. wow! you certainly have been busy. looks good
  9. did you try the Walmart or the local grocery stores?
  10. omg!! *faint* to the best of my knowledge you can't do anything with that but throw it away. hmmmmmm....... maybe you could use it to unclog your drains??
  11. Oh T!! :undecided I'm sorry you are having to close up. I hope things get better for you soon.
  12. WOW!! Those are some BRIGHT colors! Looks great & I bet it smells
  13. Oh.... that sucks that the colors are fading!! :undecided It looks fab Julie! You have some kick ass swirls there!!
  14. Your layers turned out really good Carrie! I haven't ventured into CP layers yet!
  15. LMAO!! keep it up and she'll let you lick the spoon! Then you can blow bubbles out your @ss! :laugh2:
  16. I can sooooo relate! Last year I sent my Mom a Pie candle for Mother's Day. She took it to work and all the ladies HAD to have one (or two)! I was thrilled and ended up doing over 50 of these pies and shipping them to her in New Mexico! Next thing I know, she is calling my sister and having her call me and ask me all kinds of questions about candlemaking! I thought it was kinda odd but that maybe for once in my life she was actually proud of me and just curious! Boy was I wrong!! I get a call from my sister a week later telling me that my Mom has started making candles and selling them to the ladies at work!! I of course told her about the need for testing, testing, testing .... etc, but she didn't want to hear it! She had the nerve to tell me that if I could do something .... then she could sure as hell do it just as good if not better! *faint* I know we were never that close because she only ever really wanted my little sister & brother .... but DAMN! We really haven't spoken much since! Sorry to hear what is going on with you. :awww:
  17. XXX got my fingers crossed for you! XXX
  18. Oh come on!! You know you really want to tell us what you told Julie!!
  19. yet another vote for #2 the 1st one looks to "busy" for my liking.
  20. haven't checked my Sam's in a while. Guess I better before I assume I can run myself really low and then go pick it up locally! I will have to start adding it to the CF co-op's when I do them.
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