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Everything posted by rebeccajo99

  1. I agree with Vicki Something complicated so it doesn't look like it is "melt wax, stick in wick, pour, light candle" That way, the people who are really interested in making them will hear you talk about the testing (and hope they take it to heart) since they will probably stick around for a while. Sounds like maybe it is something that people can come and go as they please. So, maybe have a flyer that talks about testing, costs and maybe a few "helpful hints and safety measures"
  2. candlemama Working on 1 or 2 things at a time is the best advice you can give yourself. I started out like that... had to try everything. I think I had 6 or 7 testing projects going. I was going insane, wasting money and never could get anything to go "my way." Other things were going on in my home, my husband and I started arguing ALL THE TIME and I was getting discouraged and frustrated that my personal life was going down the tubes. Decided to go and talk to my doctor about getting my ADD under control. Had it since I was in 6th grade, but my mom and I decided never to treat it with medication so I could cope with it without. Having a husband and 2 kids became too much for me to do without some help. Went on that medication and everything is great. Testing is going wonderful, have been able to tell myself to only try 1 or 2 things at a time (except right now I'm doing bombs, tarts and tealight, and PA's soap recipe, but the bombs are my "if time" test right now... so concentrating on mainly the 2). I'm not saying that you should go and talk to the doctor and get on ADD medication as it is better to learn to do stuff without it, but how my life has changed by being on it and realizing that doing only 1 or 2 things at a time is so much better and your product becomes a lot better because of it too is a wonderful feeling. I take pride in my products, not nervous about them when customers ask me questions. The only thing I'm nervous about with them is "are they going to like them as much as I do? and "will they come back for more?" Which is something I cannot control and have to get over, which is the hard part. So my advice to you to expand on your 1 and 2 things at a time. Grab a notebook and whenever there is something you want to try, just write it in the book. There is nothing wrong with researching new stuff while your testing, but just don't start testing until you completed one. My notebook is full of ideas, notes, websites, recipes for things I want to try someday. (sorry about the novel, You hit on a topic that I believe saved my marriage, life and business. I couldn't help but encourage you on it. )
  3. I started out using those molds. The soap that I made with them could not be demolded until they sat for 6 to 7 hours and I still had to put them in the freezer for a few mins before I could pop them out. It was a pain in the butt and took a lot of time!!! I purchased some sylicon molds from WSP (like the previous poster said) and they are great!!! I can now demold after 3 to 4 hours and it comes out like a dream. The base/recipie that you use can make a difference on how long it takes to demold. I found that the sticker/wetter the soap is when it comes out, the longer it takes before it can be demolded from those plastic ones.
  4. I made a batch of the recipie last night. Cut it down to 1 lb for testing and messed up a little by accidently adding 2 T of honey instead of 1, other than that, everything else was exact. Could nicely get it out of my molds last night after setting for 4 hours (may have been able to do it earlier, but was watching a movie, so i didn't check). Had an "oily" feeling to them, but thought I remember reading about that with this recipie, so i placed them on my drying rack. Woke up this morning and they feel less oily and now 12 hours after demolding they don't feel oily at all!!! I cut off a small piece to test it out washing my hands. Cut really soft yet, but I'm not concerned about that yet. It was so creamy and nice on my hands. I was concerned about having the extra honey that it would cause problems, but I think it is going to be ok. I was my hands about every 10 mins because i have 1 kid in diapers, 1 potty training and constantly cleaning. I have not needed lotion yet!!! The only thing that I am a little concerned about is it feels like my hands may be a little sticky. don't know if that is because of the soap, because of the extra honey or because I've been baking cakes for the past 3 1/2 hours!!! Can't wait to try it in the shower. It may not survive my drying rack for another day... it may just wind up in there :smiley2:
  5. Thanks for telling me about amazon. Its the same stuff that my health food store sells and cheaper if I can get the free shipping!!! Will look into it when I need to get more. Baught the store out yesterday with 4 whole cans.
  6. I'll check my local store too. It is hard to say if they will have it or not since I had a hard time getting rice milk when my son was on that due to dairy and soy restrictions. Funny thing is... my health food store is 20 mins closer than the nearest walmart (yes... my town has not been invaded by a walmart yet)
  7. thanks PA. I may have to find a new supplier for it just because it took a week for them to get it in. I can't be waiting a week or more to get the milk. I just started buying base with the milk already added because of this issue before, but I would rather add my own just because you can add more and make it even nicer. I heard rumors that there is a farm in the area that will sell goats and will keep them on his farm and milk them for you. All you have to do is stop by and get your milk. I may look into that as well to see how much that is, how much milk you get and all that. The only thing is, it isn't pasterized or anything like that, would/could that pose a problem where I may need to use more preservative? I really want to try your recipie!!!
  8. I have been trying to get my hand on canned goat milk for the past week now. My local health food store is out, so my husband stopped by the one by his work. Out too... so today he stops by again and they only have powdered and evaporated goat milk. He picked up the powdered for me, but I told him not to do the evaporated. Is the evaporated goat milk the one I'm suppsed to use for PA recipie or am I tough out of luck and will have to be using the powder? thanks
  9. I don't know how much help I will be since I'm still in the testing stage for tealights. I don't know what wax you use, but my wax says to let sit for at least 48 hours before burning. Since tealights don't take that much wax I pour a bunch of them (I melt at least 1/4 lb, most of the time more since I want to pour a tin to test too). Pour an even amount in the wicks that I test and then start letting them sit. Pull the first out after 2 days and test, wait a day or 2 and then pull out another one and so forth until they are gone. That way I can see how long they sit with the best throw. I figure that way when my tealights are finally marketable and I start prepping for a show, I can pour the ones with the longest cure time first and work my way to the shortest.
  10. I really like those and have been looking for something "environmentally friendly" aka "reusable and washable". I'm not a fan of washcloths either. Too bad I don't know how to knit, crochet or anything like that. Wonder if my mom and/or aunt would be open to making them for me. I did find this website online. Is this what you do? http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEspring04/PATTbonbon.html. I would be afraid it would come apart in the wash being tied like that.
  11. Thanks both of your for your replys. I like the idea of paper ones over the plastic ones. My mold is a walton mold and it is star shaped. I love the sylicon molds, demolds so much easier for both tarts and soaps that I have been making so far. Thanks again
  12. I have been looking for bomb colorants too. Do you have to mix them with the oils first or can you put them right in the mix for a more speckled look? Thanks
  13. Does anybody use boxes to package their tarts instead of bags? My tarts are about .5 oz each and I'm now thinking that boxes would look nicer and be easier to label over bags. If you do use boxes, wehre do you get them? Thanks in advance
  14. that is probably what is happening then since I am not turning the warmer off during the whole tart like I did on my initial tests. I think then it is safe to mark this one off the list. Thanks for your response.
  15. Sounds like your wick is off. I looked at this handy website that somebody else gave me on this board and you are using the largest wick suggestion for your jar size. Try wicking down. I'm not familier with those wicks (tried the RRD and did not really care for them, but that is personal preferance). Maybe try a RRD 40 or 47 or a LX 22 or 24. (I think LX was the other wick you tried). Others who uses your wicks may be able to give you better help. Here is that website. Save it, it comes in handy http://www.wickit.net/recommendations.html#eco
  16. I am testing some color tarts right now. They are turning colors (fading) while they "simmer" in the warmer. My first batches did not do this. Did I mess up this batch or is it because I'm being abusive (as in power "burning" them)? They smell great and as long as that is normal... then this scent can get checked off the list as done. (had it checked off once before, but decided to "power burn" them) Thanks
  17. PA. I am hoping to get down to the health food store to get the stuff that I don't have and try your recipie. I have a question though. The health food store is a 30 to 40 min drive from my house, so I was thinking about just getting the powdered goat milk so I don't have to go every few weeks to pick up some more. Do you think I could just keep it powder and let all the moiture from the base turn it to milk? If that won't work, should I use distilled water to turn it to milk? Thanks
  18. The more I test palm tarts the more I love the cool patterns that it makes. Maybe I will just have to order a 10 lb bag and give it a try the next time I order stuff. The part that is holding me back with palm containers is having to poke the releif holes after it sets up a little bit and repouring. I only have a short time to pour candles while my boys are taking naps and don't know if that will give me enough time. I may have to wait a year or two until my youngest knows to stay out of the kitchen while mommy is working on candles. He likes to be right by my feet all the time.
  19. They look nice and A LOT better than my first palm tarts that I made. For my tarts, I got the best crystalization with a warmed mold and a box covering them while they cooled. Best of luck in your testing!!! Every time I see pic of GG, I want to try it more and more and more.
  20. ahhhh... that is why I'm confused!!! I'm now wondering if those little plastic boxes that is used for votives and tealights would work for my little tarts just to be on the "safe side". They are about .5 oz and was going to package them in 5 oz packages.
  21. Thank-you very much for letting me know those are the right ones. Also, thanks for the other website. I will check those out too.
  22. I have been doing research on packaging now that I have my first scent in tarts tested and really like. I was thinking about getting bags to put them in, but I don't want to get the wrong ones. I'm just getting more and more confused as I read. These are the bags that I'm thinking about right now? Are they the right ones? http://www.uline.com/BL_208/2-Mil-Reclosable-Bags?keywords=PolyBagsReclosable
  23. probably the same place as the person who is selling tarts for .35 cents and tealights for 10 cents. (or 12 for $1.00) I really need to find this place too.
  24. Thanks for the hint. Would I grind up the salt for these, or keep it as is? Is sea salt better than epson salt? I used Epson since that is what my recipie called for (and i could get it at my local grocery store.)
  25. your container wax should be fine. I am testing the container wax I use for my tins in tealights too.
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