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Everything posted by rebeccajo99

  1. I hope that I am just missing something different here. I have been watching a lot of Shrek since that is my son's current favorite movie... so I am noticing a bunch of stuff in the background and thought of the candle he maked in the beginning of the movie.:smiley2: Not what he made it of, but the shape.
  2. those look yummy. Might just have to go and eat a banana split now. I think they will love it!!!
  3. I agree. The colors are very cool and vibrant. The shape made me think of the movie Shrek. So part of me thinks... cool, something different and another part of me thinks... no, not for me.
  4. Thank-you for posting this. I have a good smelling watermelon FO that I was going to try making a watermelon looking soap. I have not tried the black yet, but if you don't have a good answer (which the previous poster may be good, just have not tried it yet:smiley2:) I will post my results too.
  5. Thank-you so much for posting this. It was very helpful. Are you saying that with Feather Palm, I don't need to poke relief holes while the pillars are cooling? I've been waiting to do pillars and containers (I know that feather is a pillar wax, but saying in general) because of the poking of holes and repouring since I have small children and wouldn't get finished during thier nap time. If this wax you don't need to do that, I'm going to start doing votives and pillars!!!
  6. Thank-you so much for posting your findings. I have been looking for some to get, but have not been able to find them at the local vendor shows cash and carry. I don't know how their warmer would be different than any other 25 watt bulb warmer. I don't know if I would want to buy one of their warmers on top of the melts. They are really expensive.
  7. That is a great idea. Woud you mind sharing how you do it? I saw that you say .1 to 1 oz of glycern. Is that .1 oz? Also, any hints on how to incorporate the 2 together? That sounds like it would save on shipping buying powders instead of liquids.
  8. Thank-you Since I don't do CP yet, guess I go to the website. Checked out a few of them and I have A LOT more research to do since I don't know what any of that stuff is. (ok, do know some, but you get the idea) Maybe I will have something forumated by Christmas 2014
  9. :smiley2:It's been a while since I used paypal for them as well. I want to say mine took the next business day. So if yours was place on Sunday, they would get it Monday and send your invoice on Tuesday. I could be wrong though.
  10. I was going to put together some gift/variety boxes for those bars that just don't meet my individual size requirements (instead of remelting and repouring). So now I have some labeling questions. 1. Would you put an ingrediant label on each indvidual bar and/or outside of the box. 2. Do I need to put an individual weights on each bar or can I put a net weight of all bars on the outside. I hope this isn't posted somewhere else. I have issues with that search button Thank-you
  11. I am wanting to make a liquid body wash but cannot find a recipe. I did a g.oogle search and all of the recipes that I find contain eggs or taking commercially made body wash and adding things to make it last longer.) I have a few base samples, but I want to add extra stuff to it and don't know if I can with the base. Does anybody have a recipe that they are willing to share? Thanks in advance.
  12. I made a batch of soap using Peak's Strawberry Rhubarb. OOB this fragrance smelled ok to me (more Rhubarb than strawberry), but still decided to try it in soap as sometimes FO's smell ok OOB, but amazing in the product. However, this soap smells like it forgot to take a shower!!! It reeks like BO and makes me nauseous every time I walk by the curing/drying bars. My husband even said that it doesn't smell very good. Does anybody have any suggestions on how I can fix this one? It isn't even a mistake of mine that I'm willing to throw into my personal stash.
  13. I was planning on waiting until my kids were older (they are currently 2 and 3) or when I get a workshop where I can lock them out of the room.
  14. I totally agree. I wasn't really using moisturizer with my plain goat's milk, but now I really don't. (except on my hands as those still get dried out from cleaning), but it isn't NEAR as much as I used to. I handed out some testers to friends and some people that I asked if they could try too (I did know them, so they were not complete strangers) and when they e-mailed me their responses they were like... "When are you going to start selling this? I want some" Thanks PA for the recipe. It was a great starting point for me (did change it up a little tiny bit to fit my base and likings )
  15. those soaps are pretty. They look like melt and pour to me. As to your question about fat. I'm assuming they mean animal fat. For me, when I hear fat, I think animal fat. They list the ingrediants they use on a different tab and it was all oils (if I'm remembering correctly. Takes me a while to answer questions when my boys are awake)
  16. I have been making PA's recipe as well. When you are making it, do you dump everything in at once? I found that when I put everything in at once, I had problems with things mixing together good and it smelled funny to me. (i think because i was "cooking" something too long that did not want to be cooked.) I'm still using the microwave since I have not been able to find a presto local yet. So now I do it like this 1) melt base until almost completly melted (has a few small chunks left) 2) add cocoa butter, shea butter and staric (if using). Mix well 3) melt rest of way (takes about 40 more seconds in my microwave) and mix well. 4) add rest of the ingrediants mixing well in between each one. 5) Pour in mold and let set up. I like the look and feel of my bars when I do it this way the best. It also shows me after each ingrediant what it is doing to my soap to know if something didn't go right. (I always add in the same order) I suggest this, try adding things in one at a time and see where the chunks are coming from. It could also be that your base, shea butter and/or cocoa butter isn't getting fully melted down.
  17. grrr. That isn't what I wanted to hear. Guess I need to find some too.
  18. cool. Let us know. I am probably going to order some too and see how they do on my warmer as well.
  19. let us know what you find out. As mentioned before, I'm also thinking about purchasing some and test them out myself too. If it is each little melt, then there is no way I can compete either and should just give up on testing now.
  20. could you tell him the information and give him your website and say all credit card purchases must go through your website? I don't have a website, so I don't know how that all works with credit cards and I don't accept credit cards yet, but wouldn't the card have to be approved when they check out on a website?
  21. I thought the same thing when I first heard about them at a show. I then heard the rep say that the person would get over 1000 hours of scent time. (which i just did the calculations and 80 x 12 is not 1000, but that is besides the point). I just shuved it in the back of my mind until today when I decided to look it up myself and see. I copied and pasted the wording from thier website. You can interpret that both ways. I like their products too and know it is going to be hard to compete with them since they are so predominate around here, but I'm not trying to make it rich like them either. I just want to be able to send my kids to private school and stay home with them. I may have to buy one and see for myself. grrr, that isn't going to help the business budget:laugh2: Scent Plus® Melts Wax tray snaps into 12 Melts, each lasting up to 80 hours. For use with Scentglow™ or Aroma Melts™ Warmers. Choose from 10 classic fragrances and six new summer scents.
  22. Last year I was testing the 7 oz hex jar for a container candle with soy. I always got frustrated because my candle would be great until the last 2 burns when the jar would get too hot. So I decided to stop with the those jars and start at the bottom (tealights) and work my way up to the larger ones. I was researching "burn" times on tarts to compare mine with those already selling (partylite, yankee, anybody else that came up with g.oogle). On one of the websites I was looking at, it said to stop burning when 1/2 inch wax was left at the bottom of the container because the jar would get too hot. The warning labels that I have drawn up also say to stop burning with 1/2 inch of wax is left on the bottom of the jar. So my question is, would you have let my jars go that I threw out because the last burns (when there was less than 1/2 inch left) got to hot... or would you have been like me and threw them out as well? I have that right now with a 2 oz tin that I was testing. throw was OK, was going to try the wick higher since the wick lower had no throw, but these last 2 burns the tin is just too hot. There looks to be about 1/8 inch left of wax (hard to say since you can't measure through the glass like the container ones can). Since these last 2 burns were so hot, I decided not to test the larger wick thinking that would also be too hot. Thanks (sorry if this is posted somewhere else, could not find it with search, but I am search challenged )
  23. I know tart scent will last differently depending on warmers. Partylite now has electric warmers using a 25 watt bulb and new "tarts" that they say last up to 80 hours. As I get my "tarts" ready for market, my requirment is that my 1/2 oz tart needs to last at least 12 hours on my warmer where I can walk into and not strain to smell, but still have a nice smell to the tart. (as in only allowing a small reduction in strength). So using my warmer (a 120 watt one from candles and supplies) would that "burn up" the scent quicker than the 25 watt bulb warmers? Trying to figure out how my tarts compare to the new ones that Partylite now offers. I use Feather Palm wax for my tarts at the highest scent hold. If those 2 warmers would be simular in reducing scent,then my tart suck. I really don't want to look for a different tart wax as I love the look of the Feather Palm.
  24. thanks guys. I had them in a storage bin in my basement. Never had problems with this before, so thought it had something with the recipie. They did seem to wipe off easily. Those who sell naked, how do you combate this from happening during summer?
  25. I made up a few batches of PA soap recipe and little variations of the recipe over the last week and a half. I'm still testing for life in my own shower, but went to cut up a few bars that i liked to give out to my testers today. Went to grab one of the bars and it feels like it is growing crystals. Do you know what causes that and how do you get rid of it? Thanks in advance
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