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  1. Thanks. I've ordered some CB135 and will start new trials next week, although I must say it's starting to do my head in. Pambie
  2. I have only waited about a week before burning so maybe that's it. I've used an assortment of oils, all US oils although I am in the UK and they are more difficult to get. I shall try different wicks, and oils, and wait for two weeks and see what happens. Thanks for all the help.
  3. Thanks so much. I've looked at the chart and it is so useful. I shall try with different wicks and see it that helps. Thanks again.
  4. I am new to making soy candles and in desperate need of help! I have been making container candles in jars that have a 80mm diameter (about 1/2lb wax per jar). I have used CBEXCEL, CB135, and CBADV. I have tried RRD55 wicks, ECO14 wicks, and CSN26 wicks. Fragrance oil at between 6% and 12%. I have mixed and poured at 135, 150, and 175, but am still getting very little scent throw from any of the many candles I have made. I have been using any leftover wax to make tarts, and the scent throw from these is perfect. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
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