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Everything posted by *Dee*

  1. gosh im not good at this. the only thing i came up with was we come in peace lmao ill keep thinking on it tho maybe E.T or alf .. kinda shorten it up but people will still think extra terrestial
  2. well the one i have i believe it the HO, i got it at walmart but when i was reading about the HO one it said that if there was 2 ingredients together on the label it was the HO version ( cant remember the 2 ingredients ) and the one i have has them both listed together. so i am assuming i have the HO. ill be trying this recipe tomorrow. i didnt try it first cuz i didnt have the pko flakes then. but this recipe has such awesome reviews it should be one kick ass soap! i hope i like it! i will be adding the silk to the lye water, and sugar as well cuz im doing hp. expect pics sometime this weekend
  3. lol so i found it and its the first one i posted in my first post. the one with 25% safflower.. hmmmm
  4. wow and i thought all soaps and bath and body HAD to be labeled. i will still label mine with all the ingredients that way the customers know what exactly is in them for allergy or sensitivity reasons.
  5. i got all the recipes from searching on here and other soap forums, millers soap website and the world wide web lol. just to give me base recipes to start out with . i have palm oil coconut oil canola oil sunflower oil safflower oil glycerin castor olive oil pko flakes lard wm shortening shea butter deodorized mango butter cocoa butter kokum butter shea butter unrefined and shealoe butter coming kanolin clay silk i think thats it. i am making 2-3 pound batches. any suggestions with what i have ? i can order other oils as well if need be. i just thought with all these i should be able to get a good recipe out of them.
  6. very pretty! i like the black better on darker colored soaps tho i am sure the white would be better.
  7. im wondering if maybe they mixed it up with something else ?? hopefully they get back to you soon.
  8. well i have tried 2 recipes so far. both in hp and one in cpop. the first one was 23 oz crisco 16 oz oo 13 oz coconut oil 12 oz lard that one i made in cpop and it stunk bad and i ended up tossing it, i dont know what happened to it. i made it in hp and it turned out ok but the bars were really soft for awhile and i just dont really like the feel of it. the second one i didnt like at all 30% lard 30% crisco 20% canola 20% coconut. i have a few other recipes that i still need to try as well 45 % palm or coconut oil 25 % oo 25% crisco 5% castor and 10% castor 20% coconut oil 35% lard 35% oo and 20% safflower 20% oo 10% castor 25% crisco 25% coconut i have some unrefined shea i would like to use up in the soaps too, and i also have some silk to add to the lye water. so hopefully one of these or the first 2 i posted on here i will like and then can tweak it to how i want it. how long did it take everyone else to find a recipe they liked ?
  9. i got some for the first time in the coop, but mine is clear. i have it in water bottles and it looks like it is water thats how clear it is. now i also have castor which has a yellowish almost gold color. hths
  10. you ordered the 6 cavity ones and they hold 6 oz wax ? if those are the ones u ordered a case of pm me and i will take some
  11. lol i wonder how well a jack hammer would work!
  12. lol i had a hell of a time cutting mine up. but that could be due to not have a big sharp knife lol. a steak knife just doesnt do a great job lmao
  13. lol i am getting the neons too with the coop, i dont think i will get a price break on them tho cuz no one else showed interest in them. for soap you might want to try WSP. i usually buy their natural goats milk but i went with sfic this time cuz of the coop. but i generally order from wsp and i get the 42.74 for 24 pounds in 2 pound trays or you can pay 37.00 for one big block of 24 pounds. but in my experience i will pay the few dollars more to have it in 2 lb trays lol it sucks cutting all that soap up. shipping to me usually isnt that bad on it, hopefully it wouldnt be for you either.
  14. psssst there is tkb coop going on right now. i cant believe how good they turned out! now gimme back my soap haha j/k your doing an awesome job with them!
  15. this might be a stupid suggestion since i havent actually started making these yet. but can you add a little cornstarch or dry flo to it ?
  16. i need to buy me a book too, i have alot to learn. is amazon the best place to find these books ?
  17. i like berts apple dumpling and i have also used ng and its good too.
  18. i think i do, its from walmart but i read somewhere that if it has 2 ingredients on the label together it was the HO version and they both do.
  19. thanks scented ill run things through the soap calc. im still kinda stupid when it comes back with all the numbers. i know people say the closer to 50/50 the better, but the rest of the numbers i dont know what is good or bad. like i said still learning here lol if anyone has any links or suggestions that will help me better understand on the numbers i would really appreciate them
  20. ahh ok i get it now! that much sunflower or safflower wont cause dos or ash will it ? i dont know why i am thinking over 10 or 15 % will. i might be mixed up on oils tho lol
  21. well i havent tried either of them yet. but for some reason something about the 25% sunflower or safflower seems off to me. but i really am not 100% on making hp yet. a kiss recipe ??? you have me lost.
  22. 15% crisco 15% coconut 15% pko flakes 5% butters 25% safflower/sunflower 25% olive oil or 15% coconut oil 15% pko flakes 30% olive oil 30% lard or crisco 5% castor 5% butters which one is better? and what would you change if anything ? thanks
  23. search google for plastic candle lids, or plastic candle covers. i think thats what i did before and it brough up a site. not sure if that is what your looking for or not but worth a shot i thought people just punched out a hole in the top of the shrink wrap lol
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