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Posts posted by artcwolf

  1. from my understanding usually 6% is the most you want to add to wax, that is roughly 1oz per pound of wax.

    I haven't used that wax before so it might be different and i'm sure someone else will chime in that has used the wax. Personally i'd stick with 1oz of FO to 1lbs of wax.

  2. I don't ask, she says her dog loves candles and flowers, and thinks it's probably her mother reincarnated.

    she say her dog will come up and smell candles, if it likes the candle it will stretch out and go to sleep, if it doesn't it'll go into another room. She lite mine and the dog came over sniffed for a few seconds rolled over and started sawing logs.

  3. So i didn't sell as many candles as i hoped, but it's a tiny fair and i mean office party size :D However, comma those that i have sold to have had a chance to burn them over the weekend.

    My votive people were impressed at how straight the wicked stayed and the throw was awesome. They melted beautifully and were very happy.

    My pillar buyers said the same thing. I make a couple of containers after my testing and one lady bought a bulb jar and her dog absolutly loves it. Not to mention she said it's amazing, it's not flickering the flame is the right height, the melt pool is in her words "the most perfect pool i've ever seen" :yay:

    so with that behind me and what i've learned, i'm going on to new and wonderful scents.

  4. hubby goes near it and I'll use it to chop his wick off. It's mine mine mine.
    :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: that's the problem, i'm the hubby and do more then make candles. I could use a miter saw for a lot of things around here including the candles. Guess if i get one, i'll have to cover it somehow and change the blade when i'm doing candles.
  5. Doesn't that only level your candle in one direction? I mean, you can see if it's tilted left or right but what about towards or away from you?

    This is what i use


    It's just the right size to sit on the lip of my 3 inch pillars and just not to big for a votive.

    and then this one i haven't tested yet


    I bought a hot wire and i ended up making things worse, how do you all cut them?

  6. My wife's going to have my head anyways, but i need to know how to get wax up from the carpet... :shocked2: i knocked over my pour pot... luckily all that was left in it was the last of my second pour for my containers... any and all help will be greatly appreciated... TIA

    That is why there is a towel down on the kitchen floor :D

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