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Posts posted by artcwolf

  1. They aren't stealing your work, and just because the name of the company is keyword spy doesn't mean it's wrong or illegal. This is common practice with a lot of companies on the internet.

    It's the fastest and best way to compare your keywords and keywords of other companies like yours. My hosting provider has a submission area and it does keyword searches on my site, other sites, and crawls the search engines to see where my site is ranked. When it crawls my site it gives me meta tags and keyword tags to put into my code as well.

    It's not lazy, it's the fastest way to get your site up in the search engines to be viewed, people pay a LOT of $ for that kind of help. If you were to do what that does by hand you'd be at it for months...

    This site probably does Search Engine submissions as well, and when you are doing that it's best to have all your ducks in a row...it's a competitive business not just for my store, but in the candle community as well, and any advantage you can get makes you that much better when it comes to advertising.:2cents:

  2. We have both a criminal and civil case here but why file a civil if you know he's going to prison for a 20 year minimum.

    Okay so i'm a bit vendictive, but i'd file the civil as well...From what you've said it soulds like he hung himself, and by doing both cases he's getting the full weight he deserves.

    I am glad to hear that everything is hopefully going to settled down.

  3. Mine is the name of our online store. Candles play a big part of the metaphysical so it's an easy line to roll in.

    We got the name after some debate over a name. Ivy is my DW's celtic tree, and mine is Elder...We started with Ivy & Elder and my DD went ugh, I was playing with my runes while were doing this and i joked Ivy Rune and we could use the prosperity rune in the logo...My DD jumped up and down making the final tie breaking vote, but we changed the rune in the logo...

  4. Okay so i'm going to say use 1pound for testing, and start with 2% FO and work my way up 1% at a time.

    Start with a a tealight and test those, then do my votives, then pillars.

    Can I remelt down the votive and the pillar in my testing to use in the next test?

  5. I know this is an old thread, but i just found it while searching for FO usage in tealights.

    How would i go about testing the FO amount with wick/wax type. Do i need to make a full size candle of each, or could i do the throw test using a votive size candle, or a tealight candle to test the wax/wick/FO combo....

    I'm asking because i've made tealights that have some amazing throw both cold and hot, but another have almost no throw compared to the containers made with the same wax.

    I'm one of those that haven't learned.:P

  6. I know a couple women who have gone the SBA route, but the paperwork was a hair-pulling nightmare, from their accounts. If you go to a local bookstore or google, there are step-by-step books to get through the process. From what I've heard, I'd highly recommend it. Seems like most cities have a SBA office to answer questions.

    Good luck -- Susan.

    DW went with business plan in hand and all kinds of other stuff when we were looking for startup money to open our store and she came home with less hair...

  7. If you can handle Cuervo, you're more of a man than I am. That stuff is HARSH! Heradura Silver is my personal poison. If I can't get that, I'll settle for Patron.

    Mezcal (mezcal can contain no less than 80 percent agave, making it purer -- and arguably more potent -- than tequila. Although tequila is also made from agave, it can legally be diluted up to 49 percent with sugars and water.) and yes i'll take the shot with the worm :D

    any Cuervo, if the word tekilla ya is on the bottle i'll be drinking it, but Mezcal is my first choice.

  8. is this really easy to use?

    I write everything down and save everything' date=' only been in business since August, but I haven't kept it in any kind of order and need to sort it.

    One question for those that have it, I took the demo and it mentioned dollars, is there a facility to change that to GBP (pounds sterling) thanks[/quote']

    My DW has been using it since the older version and she's seemed to have figured it out. After the upgrade i started inputting my candle stuff, and being used to quicken i'm having to hunt for things.

    Here's the link to the UK site for quickbooks


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