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Posts posted by artcwolf

  1. what do you use for individual votive packaging? I bought some 4x6 shrink bags and i can put 6 votives in them, but trying to use just one it's hard.

    Also pillar packaging. Again bought some 6x6 shrink bags and i end up with all kinds of excess crumpled up and it looks very bad.

  2. I told her to put the lid back on the candle and wait a few days before trying it again and to give it at least a week before she gave up on it. I also told her I would hold her check until I heard from her. She said that wasn’t the reason she called—that she wanted to let me know in case I had changed wax or something. [/quote]

    From what you said here, it sounded like she was fine with her order, and she just wanted to let you know something was a bit different.

    I am glad to hear everything turned out great thought. :D

  3. We did a fair for my wife's store last year and we got into something very close. We sent in out application with our money and the check was cashed. We spent the next two months waiting on the "packet" only we didn't see anything. As the months ticked down we DID call not once but serveral times only to talk to the person in charges reletives, or she was on vacation and would call us back. The # we were given was her personal cell phone. We finally took to calling the city for information, and finally got in touch with her boss to get what we were looking for. This was 2 weeks before the fair, the deadline to register was almost 2 months ago.

    2 days later, we got the information hand delivered by the person we've been trying to get us to let us know what was going on.

    I'm with most everyone else, pay the fee....the packet was never mailed, lost in the mail, or what have you, but regardless of having other stuff going on, it is your responsability to follow up, a bit before the deadline of you getting the packet, and definitly after the deadline, but NOT 20 days later.

    Canceling the check was also not a bright idea. I honestly see the people taking you to court and winning, and you being out more then $45.00....

    just my .02 cents thought.

  4. I melted the wax and mixed in hot chocolate mix with little marshmellows and added some cocoa fragerance and stuck a cinninon stick in to make it look like a cup of hot chocolate with a straw. It looks neat but the problem I am having is that when the candle burns it will only burn a hole about the size of a quarter and the flame drowns out. What am I doing wrong?

    Did you put actual hot chocolate mix and marshmallows into the wax?

  5. I bought some from another company, mold maker. They came with nails for wick pins, what a joke. They are a little small for the Candlewic clear cup and some are sloped to the side so they are uneven. I hate them, they are the hard yellow, and I have a hard time getting anything out of that type of mold. I wish I had ordered from Candlewic, they look so much better. What do the wick pins look like? Do they have a bottom or are they just a rod that sticks in mold?

    Henryk posted a pic of one. It's a straight rod that goes into a hole in the bottom. I got one the other day and i just poured my first batch, but it's sinking and i'm wondering if i should be leaving the rods in or take them out and put them back in when i do the top off.

  6. I've spent the last 30 minutes just trying to find a link to download or at least see images of the software, and i've come up with nothing. If i went to the domain in the e-mail addy you listed it's a blank page. so i did a whois look up of the domain and this is what i found......IT might not mean anything to you, but it tells me he's the only on there, if his name is also the support name....why not e-mail him directly :laugh2:I'd also be willing to bet the phone # is personal

    Domain name: corporateedgesoftware.com


    Jason Jantzi (P9DF3) jjantzi@telus.net

    Corporate Edge Software Inc.

    529 - 6540 East Hastings Street

    Burnaby, BC V5B 4Z5


    Phone: +1 (604) 468-0520

    Administrative Contact:

    Jason Jantzi (2RRH4) jjantzi@telus.net

    Corporate Edge Software Inc.

    529 - 6540 East Hastings Street

    Burnaby, BC V5B 4Z5


    Phone: +1 (604) 468-0520

    Technical Contact:

    Jason Jantzi (P9DF3) jjantzi@telus.net

    Corporate Edge Software Inc.

    529 - 6540 East Hastings Street

    Burnaby, BC V5B 4Z5


    Phone: +1 (604) 468-0520

    Billing Contact:

    Jason Jantzi (N6JMH) jjantzi@telus.net

    Corporate Edge Software Inc.

    529 - 6540 East Hastings Street

    Burnaby, BC V5B 4Z5


    Phone: +1 (604) 468-0520

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